Rangeland in Cross Timbers Region

 Beginning Rancher

Show Articles on Beginning Rancher (19)
Cattlemen’s Land Trust at the Forefront of Conservation

Watch and listen to an on-the-ground panel of experts talk about the relationship of how ranchers and conservationists work together provides successful conservation outcomes while keeping working lands working.


Meet Chad Ellis CEO of the Texas Agricultural Land Trust

Chad introduces us to the conservation ethic and DNA of Texas ranchers and reviews the past and future TALT conservation easements.


Understanding Rural Attitudes Toward the Environment and Conservation in America

Rural Americans matter—a lot—to the fate of U.S. environmental policy. Not only do farmers, ranchers, and forest owners manage huge portions of American lands and watersheds, but rural voters also have an outsized impact on national policy.


got LAND?

>Thinking about purchasing land?

This app is a support tool that assists potential or new landowners during the initial stages of acquiring or owning property by providing management information and resources based on property goals selected.


Small Farms and Woodlots

Learn about how woodlots of today provide much more for their owners, including income from selling wood and nonwood products, forest-based income opportunities such as lease hunting and recreation, solitude and escape from emotional pressures and stress of modern living and working, and simply the pride of owning and caring for the land.


Getting Started in Farming

This guide was published in NIFA's Small Farm Digest designed for people considering starting up as begining farmers and ranchers.  Provides information on the opportinities and challenges of farming, land ownership, links to programs and resources to help get you started.


Texas Land Trends - Texas landowner changes and trends

The goal of the Texas Landowner Changes and Trends report is to describe the state's growinf population and changing rural landowners.


New Farmers Website

An online resource provides centralized, one-stop shopping for beginning farmers and ranchers to explore the variety of USDA initiatives designed to help them succeed.

USDA’s new farmers site has in-depth information, including:

  • how to increase access to land and capital;
  • build new markets;
  • participate in conservation opportunities;
  • select and use the right risk management tools; and
  • access USDA education and technical support programs.


National Young Farmers' Coalition

The National Young Farmers' Coalition represents, mobilizes, and engages young farmers to ensure their success across the country. NYFC supports practices and policies that will sustain young, independent, and prosperous farmers now and in the future through supporting independent family farms, sustainable farming pracices , affordable land for farmers, fair labor practices, farmer-to-farmer training, farmers of every ender, race and sexual orientaion, and cooperation and friendship between all farmers. Click Here.


Forage Information System

The Forage Information System, provided by Oregon State University is a resource for forage-related topics, including Extension, research, and teaching.



COMET-FARM™ is a  whole farm and ranch carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system.  The tool guides you through describing your farm and ranch management practices including alternative future management scenarios. Once complete, a report is generated comparing the carbon changes and greenhouse gas emissions between your current management practices and future scenarios.


Annie's Project

Annie's Project offers a variety of extension classes across the country that educate farm women on risk management. The classes empower farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information. Click here to see courses offered in your state.


Agricultural Marketing Resource Center (AgMRC)

The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center is an electronic, national resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture. The site works to provide unbiased, science-based marketing information for U.S. farmers and ranchers. There is information related to commodities and products, market and industry trends, business creation and operation, research results and value-added resources.

This site is an on-going project of the Iowa State University and partially funded by USDA Rural Development. Click here. 


Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Rangeland Management

A publication of the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable and the Society for Range Management.


Ranching as a Conservation Strategy - Can Old Ranchers Save the New West?

Working ranches are often promoted as means of private rangeland conservation because they can safeguard ecosystem services, protect open space, and maintain traditional ranching culture.


2012 Census of Agriculture - Texas State and County Data - Volume 1B

The census of agriculture provides a detailed picture of U.S. farms and ranches every five years. It is the only source of uniform, comprehensive agricultural data for every State and county or county equivalent.


2012 Census of Agriculture - Texas State and County Data - Volume 1A

The census of agriculture provides a detailed picture of U.S. farms and ranches every five years. It is the only source of uniform, comprehensive agricultural data for every State and county or county equivalent.


Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities - A Guide to Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation, Food Systems, and Community Development

This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture.


South Texas, the "Last Great Habitat"

Concerns about conservation of the tropical rainforests and other well-known regions of the world are widely publicized, yet a region of inestimable biological wealth lies relatively unrecognized on the back doorstep of North America.


Show Beginning Rancher Organizations & Professionals (176)
There are 176 resources serving Cross Timbers Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Beginning Rancher Organizations & Professionals serving Cross Timbers Region
Conservation Districts
Archer County SWCD
- Archer City, TX
Bosque SWCD
- Meridian, TX
Brazos Valley SWCD
- Granbury, TX
Callahan Divide SWCD
- Baird, TX
Central Colorado SWCD
- Coleman, TX
Central Texas SWCD
- Temple, TX
Cross Timbers SWCD
- Stephenville, TX
Dalworth SWCD
- Arlington, TX
Denton County SWCD
- Denton, TX
Fannin County SWCD
- Bonham, TX
Hamilton-Coryell SWCD
- Hamilton, TX
Hill Country SWCD
- Burnet, TX
Hill County-Blackland SWCD
- Hillsboro, TX
- Jacksboro, TX
Johnson County SWCD
- Cleburne, TX
Limestone-Falls SWCD
- Groesbeck, TX
Little River-San Gabriel SWCD
- Bartlett, TX
Little Wichita SCD
- Henrietta, TX
Lower Clear Fork of the Brazos SWCD
- Albany, TX
McCulloch SWCD
Kendria Ray - Field Representative - Brady, TX
McLennan County SWCD
- Robinson, TX
Mills County SWCD
- Goldthwaite, TX
Palo Pinto SWCD
- Mineral Wells, TX
Parker County SWCD
- Weatherford, TX
Pecan Bayou SWCD
- Brownwood, TX
San Saba SWCD
- San Saba, TX
Taylor SWCD
- Granger, TX
Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
- Temple, TX
Upper Elm-Red SWCD
- Gainesville, TX
Upper Leon SWCD
- Comanche, TX
Wichita SWCD
- Iowa Park, TX
- Decatur, TX
Young SWCD
- Graham, TX
Cooperative Extension
Archer County Extension
- Archer City, TX
Bell County Extension
- Belton, TX
Bosque County Extension
- Meridian, TX
Brown County Extension
- Brownwood, TX
Burnet County Extension
- Burnet, TX
Callahan County Extension
- Baird, TX
Clay County Extension
- Henrietta, TX
Coleman County Extension
- Coleman, TX
Comanche County Extension
- Comanche, TX
Cooke County Extension
- Gainesville, TX
Coryell County Extension
- Gatesville, TX
Dallas County Extension
- Dallas, TX
Denton County Extension
- Denton, TX
Eastland County Extension
- Eastland, TX
Ecosystem Service Management
Texas Agrilife Extension - College Station, TX
Erath County Extension
- Stephenville, TX
Falls County Extension
- Marlin, TX
Fannin County Extension
- Bonham, TX
Grayson County Extension
- Sherman, TX
Hamilton County Extension
- Hamilton, TX
Hill County Extension
- Hillsboro, TX
Hood County Extension
- Granbury, TX
Jack County Extension
- Jacksboro, TX
Johnson County Extension
- Cleburne, TX
Lampasas County Extension
- Lampasas, TX
McCulloch County Extension
- Brady, TX
McLennan County Extension
- Waco, TX
Mills County Extension
- Goldthwaite, TX
Montague County Extension
- Montague, TX
Palo Pinto County Extension
- Palo Pinto, TX
Parker County Extension
- Weatherford, TX
San Saba County Extension
- San Saba, TX
Shackelford County Extension
- Albany, TX
Somervell County Extension
- Glen Rose, TX
Stephens County Extension
- Breckenridge, TX
Stephenville Research Center
Donald Kelm - District Extension Administrator - Stephenville, TX
Tarrant County Extension
- Fort Worth, TX
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
- College Station, TX
Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas
Dr. Jeanmarie Verchot - Center Director - Dallas, TX
Texas A&M AgriLife Research San Angelo
- San Angelo, TX
Texas Agriculture Law Blog
Tiffany Dowell Lashmet - Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, Agricultural Law - Amarillo, TX
Wichita County Extension
- Wichita Falls, TX
Williamson County Extension
- Georgetown, TX
Wise County Extension
- Decatur, TX
Young County Extension
- Graham, TX
Farm Equipment Sales and Service
Agri Drain
- Adair, IA
- Lampasas, TX
- Minneapolis, MN
Ferti-Tex, Llc
- Comanche, TX
Forest Safety Products
- Van Hornesville, NY
Freight Farms
- Boston, MA
Green Point AG
- Decatur, AL
Hydrological Solutions, Inc.
- Waller, TX
Livestock Water Recycling
- Calgary, AB
On Target Spray Systems
Progressive Grower Technologies, Inc. - Mt. Angel, OR
Quality Implement Co
- Burkburnett, TX
Sabretooth Drone Service LLC
Anthony Quinn - Edna, TX
Solutions in the Land, LLC
- Kenosha, WI
Southwest Equipment Company
- Mesquite, TX
- Los Angeles, CA
Weather Shack
John Fillmore - Roanoke, VA
Western Equipment (Dalhart)
Daniel Jarret Bowers - Integrated Solutions Manager - Dalhart, TX
Williams Welding and Construction
- Dublin, TX
Farm Ranch And Forest Retailers
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Brian Stockman - Executive Vice President and CEO - Glendale, CO
Clift Land Brokers
- Amarillo, TX
Josh Thorsbrough - Owner - Alvin, IL
Nick Dorrell - Industry, TX
Forest Safety Products
- Van Hornesville, NY
Go Native Tree Farm
John Rosenfeld - Owner - Lancaster, PA
Hall and Hall
- Billings, MT
Hayden Outdoors
- Windsor, CO
Hixson Lumber Sales
- Caddo Mills, TX
Joel Rudolph
- Forester, Real Estate Broker - Nacogdoches, TX
John Kilian
Field Coordinator - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
L. Sam Middleton, ARA
Chas S. Middleton and Son - Appraiser, Manager - Lubbock, TX
Laramie Wheaton
RecLand Realty, LLC - Jasper, TX
Mason & Morse Ranch Company, LLC
- Colorado Springs, CO
Pat Porter
RecLand Realty, LLC - Broker - Monroe, LA
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
San Pedro Ranch
Chase Currie - Carrizo Springs, TX
Scott Nevins
RecLand Realty, LLC - Forester/Agent (TX) - Monroe, LA
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Steven J. Bilicek
Texas Ag Realty - Houston , TX
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Federal and State Tax Incentives and Programs
Agricultural Tax Appraisal Based on Wildlife Management
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Division Private Lands and Habitat Program - Austin, TX
Current Use Tax Program
- Montpelier, VT
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center - Raleigh, NC
Managed Forest Law
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Madison, WI
Native Prairie and Wildlife Habitat - Property Tax Benefits
- Des Moines, IA
Native Prairie Tax Exemption Program
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - St Paul, MN
Open Space Conservation - Property Tax Benefits
- Crownsville, MD
Reforestation Tax Credit Program
- Oregon Department of Forestry - Salem, OR
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Waterfowl Restoration Program
- Cambridge, MD
Wildlife Management Tax Exemption
Comptroller, Property Tax Division - Austin, TX
Federal Incentives
Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf - Cooperative Watershed Management Program
Bureau of Reclamation - Austin, TX
Farm Operating Loans & Microloans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP)
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Farmers Market Promotion Program
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Washington, DC
Livestock Indemnity Program
USDA FSA - Washington, DC
Local Food Promotion Program
Nicole Nelson Miller - LFPP Program Manager - Washington, DC
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loans
USDA Farm Service Agency - Washington, DC
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
- Washington, DC
Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program
U.S. Department of Defense - Washington, DC
Texas Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers Loan Program
USDA Farm Service Agency - College Station, TX
Upper Colorado Basin - Cooperative Watershed Management Program
Bureau of Reclamation - Salt Lake City, UT
Livestock Auctions and Traders
Bowie Livestock Sale Barn
- Bowie, TX
Buffalo Livestock Marketing Inc
- Buffalo, TX
CAL Horse Auction
- Ponder, TX
Clifton Livestock Commision
- Clifton, TX
Coleman Livestock Auction Commission Co., Inc.
- Coleman, TX
Comanche Livestock Exchange
- Comanche, TX
Coryell County Commission Co
- Gatesville, TX
Cowboy Capital Horse Sale
- Stephenville, TX
Decatur Livestock Market
- Decatur, TX
Dublin Livestock Auction, LLC
J.T. Pratt - Owner - Dublin, TX
ECDS Horse and Tack Sale
- Dublin, TX
Erath County Dairy Sales
- Stephenville, TX
Fannin County Livestock LLC
- Bonham, TX
Fish Road Livestock
- Dallas, TX
Fort Worth Horse Sales
- Fort Worth, TX
Graham Livestock Commission
- Graham, TX
Hall's Horse Sale
- Comanche, TX
Hamilton Commission Company
- Hamiton, TX
Hondo Livestock Auction
- Hondo, TX
Hubbard Livestock Commission LLC
- Hubbard, TX
Johnson County Livestock Exchange, LLC
- Cleburne, TX
Jordan Cattle Auction - Mason & San Saba
- San Saba, TX
Kifaru Exotics
- Lampasas, TX
Lampasas Cattle Auction Inc.
- Lampasas, TX
Meridian Livestock Commission Co
- Meridian, TX
Mills County Commission Co
- Goldthwaite, TX
Red River Horse Auction
- Savoy, TX
Stephenville Cattle Company
- Stephenville, TX
Stephenville Horse Sale
- Stephenville, TX
Talpa Horse Sale LLC
- Talpa, TX
Texas Cattle Exchange Inc
- Eastland, TX
The New Gainesville Livestock Auction
- Gainesville, TX
Waco Livestock Auction, LLC
- Waco, TX
West Auction Inc
- West, TX
Wichita Livestock Sales
- Wichita Falls, TX
Winnsboro Livestock & Dairy Auction
- Winnsboro, TX

 Grazing Rights

Show Articles on Grazing Rights (2)
Grazing Leasing and Liability


Texas Grazing Lease Checklist

Leasing land to another person for grazing can benefit both the landowner and lessee.


 Livestock Best Management Practices

Show Articles on Livestock Best Management Practices (7)
Reducing Conflict with Grizzly Bears, Wolves and Elk A Western Landowners’ Guide

This guide has been produced by and for landowners and practitioners constructively engaged in one of the greatest conservation challenges of our time—how to share and manage a wild, working landscape that sustains both people and wildlife.


Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Rangeland Management

A publication of the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable and the Society for Range Management.


How to Compost and Use Horse Manure- A Step-By-Step Guide for Horse Owners

Provides essential steps for building and using a horse manure composting system that can be managed without the aid of a tractor. This system is intended for backyard or small farm (ranchette) operations with 1 to 5 horses.


Creating & Using a Sacrifice Area for Horses- A Good Start for Healthy Pastures

A sacrifice area is any small enclosure intended to be a horse's outdoor living quarters during the winter and spring. These areas can improve the health and productivity of pastures.


Lone Star Healthy Streams - Beef Cattle Manual

This publication aims to help beef producers protect Texas waterways from contamination that is associated with the production of livestock and that may pose a health risk to Texas citizens.


Water Quality Management Program - Managing and Abating Agricultural & Silvicultural Nonpoint Source Polluation

A WQMP is a site-specific plan developed through and approved by soil and water conservation districts for agricultural or silvicultural lands.


Livestock for Small Acreage Landowners

New rural landowners are often interested in establishing livestock enterprises, even when their acreages are small. While forage availability may limit stocking rate, there are some livestock operations that can succeed on small acreages.


 Range Best Management Practices

Show Articles on Range Best Management Practices (37)
Mowing and Management: Best Practices for Monarchs

Understanding when monarchs are present allows land managers to time management practices like burning, mowing, grazing, or targeted pesticide application when they are least likely to harm monarchs.


Cattlemen’s Land Trust at the Forefront of Conservation

Watch and listen to an on-the-ground panel of experts talk about the relationship of how ranchers and conservationists work together provides successful conservation outcomes while keeping working lands working.


Meet Chad Ellis CEO of the Texas Agricultural Land Trust

Chad introduces us to the conservation ethic and DNA of Texas ranchers and reviews the past and future TALT conservation easements.


Up In Smoke: Fire and Invasives on Western Rangelands

Sagebrush rangelands once covered nearly 250 million acres in western North America. Today, this landscape has been reduced to half its original size and is rapidly shrinking.


Improving Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Through Revegetation and Rangeland Management

A diversity of habitats is required throughout the lifecycle of the prairie-chicken to provide food and shelter. Planting to improve lesser prairie-chicken habitat requires not only the correct species of grasses, wildflowers, and shrubs, but, also the selections which have proven success or which are locally adapted.


Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Conservation Framework

The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Conservation Framework can be used by natural resource professionals and landowners to guide habitat management practices, conservation planning, and decision making for priority species and a variety of other wildlife that can provide economic, recreational, and aesthetic value to a single property or an entire region. Managing habitat for priority species like the endangered black-capped vireo can benefit other species, including popular game species, such as northern bobwhite, white-tailed deer, and wild turkey. Similarly, managing for game species, if done responsibly, can benefit endangered species. 


Forage Information System

The Forage Information System, provided by Oregon State University is a resource for forage-related topics, including Extension, research, and teaching.


Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Rangeland Management

A publication of the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable and the Society for Range Management.


Integrating Bird Conservation into Range Management

This manual is designed to assist resource professionals with integrating birds and their habitat needs into range management and monitoring, and to train landowners and land managers to do the same.& ...


Best Management Practices for Shortgrass Prairie Birds

The information in this guide is designed to guide you in creating and maintaining habitat for 13 bird species of the shortgrass prairie, birds that are in need of conservation efforts.


Private Lands Public Benefits - Incentives For The Stewardship Of Texas Agricultural Lands

This guide is for Texans who want to ensure a future for the state’s farms and ranches: landowners who want to conserve, protect and steward their land and its resources; policymakers concerned about the costs to the state of the loss of rural lands; and all Texans who value the many benefits provided by working farms and ranches.


NBCI’s Bobwhite Almanac, State of the Bobwhite 2012

This 2nd edition of the NBCI’s annual “State of the Bobwhite” report provides the most comprehensive assessment ever compiled on the current state of bobwhite conservation in the US.


State Of The Bobwhite - Grassland Conservation At A Crossroads

This first annual “State of the Bobwhite” report by the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) and the National Bobwhite Technical Committee (NBTC) provides a snapshot of the population, hunting, and conservation status of the northern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus.


The Role of Prescribed Fire in Mitigating Catastrophic Wildfires

The value of prescribed burning in maintaining the functionality of rangelands has long been recognized. Prescribed burning can improve rangeland conditions, forage productivity and wildlife habitat.


Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Program for Texas Agriculture

This fact sheet helps agricultural producers understand the basic obligations under the Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasture (SPCC) Program.


Fragmented Lands - Changing Land Ownership in Texas

This brochure provides information to help you make crucial decisions that address the ownership fragmentation issue and its potential impact on Texas’ rural communities and the natural resources upon which our waters, wildlife habitats, and agricultural economies are ultimately based.


Water Quality Management Program - Managing and Abating Agricultural & Silvicultural Nonpoint Source Polluation

A WQMP is a site-specific plan developed through and approved by soil and water conservation districts for agricultural or silvicultural lands.


How to Manage Manure Harvesting Frequency for Summer Drought Dust Control

Texas Agrilife publication about making supplemental water go further, managing dry manure depth, and timing of manure removal.


Proper Lagoon Management to Reduce Odor and Excessive Sludge Accumulation

Texas Agrilife discusses the efficiency, bacteria, management, pumping, salts and pH of lagoon management for poultry and livestock waste.


Reducing the Risk of Groundwater Contamination By Improving Livestock Manure Storage and Treatment Facilities

A publication that addresses issues arising when landowners answer “yes” to these questions: Are you aware of manure sampling ...


Improving the Air Quality of Animal Feeding Operations with Proper Facility & Manure Management

Another publication from Texas Agrilife Extension, this publication covers control of odors and dust attained through siting of new facilities and practices for existing facilities.


Western Grasslands Initiative - A Plan for Conserving Grassland Habitat and Wildlife

The mission of Western Grassland Initiative is to serve as the primary contributor to the implementation of conservation and management actions, through partnerships and cooperative efforts, resulting in improved species status, grassland habitats, and recreational opportunities for grassland dependent species across North America.


A Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Friendly Fences - How to Build Fence with Wildlife in Mind


Bobwhite and Upland Songbird Response to CCRP Practice CP33, Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds

Summary Findings The Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds practice (CP33) is the first Federal conservation practice to target species-specific population recovery goals of a national wildlife conservation initiative (the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative).


Patch Burning

Patch burning is a relatively new concept to range management; however, it has been occurring naturally for hundreds of years from lightning strikes.


Biological Control

Biological control is the use of herbivores (domestic or wild) to aid in the management of invasive plant species. These plants are typically chemically or physically defended; therefore, herbivores do not readily seek them out for consumption.& ...


Flexible Grazing

Almost every year some areas of Texas experience drought conditions at some level. For most of us, we don’t think about drought in a year when we have received above normal rainfall totals, we tend to start thinking of drought when the rain stops and the drought is upon us.& ...


Riparian Restoration on Farms and Ranches in Texas

Texas has over 191,000 miles of waterways with riparian areas – the green vegetation zones along creeks, rivers and lakes – that provide great economic, social, cultural and environmental value to the state.& ...


Using Animal Manure and Wastewater for Crops and Pastures - Know and Take Credit for Your N,P, and K.

When managed properly, irrigation of crops with effluent reduces a producer’s reliance on commercial fertilizers and helps protect surface and groundwater quality.


Managing Crop Nutrients through Soil, Manure and Effluent Testing

Texas Agrilife summarizes how to use soil, manure and effluent testing to determine  and calibrate land application rates for nutrients.


The Role of Farm Policy in Achieving Large-Scale Conservation - Bobwhite and Buffers

The conservation provisions of the Farm Bill can produce more consistent positive wildlife habitat benefits when policy (program statutes, rules, practices, and practice standards) is developed in the context of explicit goals identified as part of large-scale conservation initiatives.


Managing working lands for northern bobwhite - the USDA NRCS Bobwhite Restoration Project


Land Fragmentation - Texas' Open Spaces Rapidly Disappearing


Texas Rural Lands - Trends and Conservation Implications for the 21st Century

This report describes the key findings of an analysis of the status and recent changes in ownership size, land  use and property values of private farms, ranches and forestlands in Texas.


Influence of Rainfall, Type of Range, and Brush Management on Abundance of Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) in Southern Texas

ABSTRACT—Assessing numerical response of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) to habitat improvement in semi-arid rangeland often is confounded by responses of populations to highly variable patterns of rainfall.


Best Management Practices for Agricultural Water Users

BMPs for agricultural water users are combinations of site-specific management, educational, and physical practices that have proven to be effective and are economical for conserving water.


Algal Blooms, Scums and Mats in Ponds

This brief document is full of photos that will help landowners to determine what form of algae they may have.  It describes the major types, their causes, effects, and what can be done to manage algal blooms.