Prescribed Fire in Rolling Plains Region

 Education (Workshops & Schools)

Show Articles on Education (Workshops & Schools) (9)
Video Series Teaches West Texas Landowners Prescribed Fire Use and Safety

The Living with Texas Fire videos showcase aspects of prescribed burning and wildfire mitigation targeted toward empowering and encouraging Texas landowners to become fire-ready. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service developed educational materials that empower landowners with safe prescribed burn practices. The materials also help to strengthen the Prescribed Burn Associations and Burn Schools knowledge-base of prescribed burning in Texas.

There are 20 videos in the Living with Texas Fire series.  You can view this Playlist on Youtube.


Fire Safety Guide Book

Approximately 140 students complete fire science programs every year in Arkansas at one of the state’s three accredited fire science schools. A significant number of these fire science graduates come out of the Arkansas Fire Training Academy at Southern Arkansas University Tech. Although the number of graduating fire science students is relatively low, their job prospects are wide-ranging. In addition to firefighting and fire service administration, potential career opportunities also include inspecting structures for fire safety or analyzing and investigating the causes of fires.

Fire science education in Arkansas is limited to certificates and associate degrees. Programs range in focus from fire and emergency response to fire science technology to fire services management. Degree programs explore the knowledge and skills that aspiring fire professionals need to enter the workforce, while also offering preparation for specialized career choices.

Fire Science Degree Programs




Prescribed Burning Associations in Texas


Wildfire and Vegetation Response to Climate Change

Rachel Loehman of the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station presents this video short course on how climate, fire and vegetation are closely linked in western ecosystems and discusses how climate change might affect vegetation by changing wildfire disturbance patterns.


Benefits of Prescribed Burning

Fire has shaped Louisiana’s landscape for thousands of years. Native Americans set fires to reduce “rough” vegetation, improve hunting areas and create space for crops.


Reasons for Prescribed Fire in Forest Management

A summary of all the benefits of prescribed fire in southern forests.


Herbicides as an Alternative to Prescribed Burning for Achieving Wildlife Management Objectives

Abstract.—Prescribed burning is used for many silvicultural and wildlife management objectives. However, the use of prescribed burning can be constrained due to difficulties in obtaining burning permits, concerns about liability, potential effects of scorch on growth and survival of crop trees, its sometimes ineffective results, limited burning days, and the costs of applying, controlling, and monitoring burns.


How to Conduct a Prescribed Burn

Burning, grazing, and rest are generally the most powerful tools for managing local wildlife habitats. Yes, usually more powerful than planting, feeding, and tillage.


Patch Burning

Patch burning is a relatively new concept to range management; however, it has been occurring naturally for hundreds of years from lightning strikes.


 Expert Assistance

Show Articles on Expert Assistance (28)
Introduction to Prescribed Fire in Southern Ecosystems

The history of fire in the forests and grasslands of the South is as varied as the different ecosystems that span this large region. At times, fires burned as often as once a year or more in Coastal Plain pine systems or as infrequently as every 50 years or more on north-facing or cove sites in the mountains.


The Role of Prescribed Fire in Mitigating Catastrophic Wildfires

The value of prescribed burning in maintaining the functionality of rangelands has long been recognized. Prescribed burning can improve rangeland conditions, forage productivity and wildlife habitat.


Fire Resistant Materials for Home Repair and Construction

A home located within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) may be at risk in the event of a wildfire. Lands and communities adjacent to and surrounded by wildlands are part of the WUI.


Wildfire Recovery Soil Erosion Control Practice Guide

This technical guide is intended to help landowners and natural resource managers in the process of selecting and implementing various post-fire erosion control practices.


Wildfire Recovery - Protecting Your Property From Soil Erosion

This technical guide identifies important BMPs and precautions that should be taken following a wildfire to protect water quality and reduce the risk of soil erosion.


Vegetation Management in the Wildland Urban Interface

Guide to inform landowners and contractors of ways to slow the spread of wildfire, allowing firefighters a greater chance of saving lives, homes and resources.


Firewise Landscaping in Texas

The purpose of this guide is to provide basic information about Firewise landscaping.


To Burn or Not to Burn - Ecological Restoration, Liability Concerns, and the Role of Prescribed Burning Associations


Fire Prescriptions for Maintenance and Restoration of Native Plant Communities


Prescribed Range Burning in Texas

Prescribed range burning follows guidelines that establish the conditions and manner under which fire will be applied on a specific area to accomplish specific management and ecological objectives.


Prescribed Burning Associations in Texas


A Guide for Prescribed Fire in Southern Forests

The use of fire in the forests of the United States has come full cycle. Early settlers found Indians using fire in virgin pine stands and adopted the practice themselves to provide better access, improve hunting, and to get rid of brush and timber so they could farm.


Intragency Prescribed Fire Guide

Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guide (2008 Guide) provides standardized procedures, specifically associated with the planning and implementation of prescribed fire.


Texas AgriLife Extension Service Prescribed Burn Guidelines

Prescribed burning is a recognized and valuable tool for forest and rangeland management. The Texas AgriLife Extension Service has a long history of educating landowners on how to safelyand effectively use this practice.O ...


Prescribed Burning Associations


Decision Making for Prescribed Fire and Fire Use Managers

Learning in Action author David Garvin shares effective decision-making skills for fire managers


Low oxygen levels generated by a wildland fire

In several instances firefighting engines have stalled while working near or crossing active fire lines resulting in the loss of equipment, injury and/or life.


Prescribed Burn 1 - Fireguards / Firebreaks (3 of 3)

This is the third of three Fireguard videos. These videos are designed to help land owners and managers build effective fireguards. This particular video is addressing black lining.


Prescribed Burn 1 - Fireguards / Firebreaks 2 of 3

This is the second of several fireguard videos. This video is designed to help land owners and managers build effective fireguards. These videos are to be used as learning tools and necessarily show mistakes made by the crews shown.


Prescribed Burn 1 - Fireguards / Firebreaks 1 of 3

This is the first of several Fireguard videos. This video is designed to help land owners and managers build effective fireguards. These videos are to be used as learning tools and necessarily show mistakes made by the crews in the footage.


Prescribed Burning - Consequences of Not Burning

John Weir, Oklahoma State University, discusses the results of research from the areas that aren't burned in the Season of Burn plots.


Prairie Fire - Managing Prairie Habitat with Prescribed Burning

Dr. Dwayne Elmore, Associate Professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, shares research in fire management of prairie ecosystems and explains the benefits as well as other uses for prescribed burning.


Using Fire to Manage Wildlife Habitat

Dr. Greg Corace, Forester, Seney National Wildlife Refuge works with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center to study how fire can be used to manage wildlife habitat.


Prescribed Burning for Pasture Management

SUNUP looks at how careful prescribed burning can be a great alternative to herbicides and fertilizers for improving pasture quality.


Prescription to Burn - Texas Parks and Wildlife

Applying fire methodically to enhance or control a particular habitat is known as a prescribed burn. Learn how fire has affected the landsca ...


BLM Fire Preparedness Program Summary for 2014

As fire seasons have tended to become longer and fire behavior more severe, questions inevitably arise among the public and media. “Is ...


Western Wildfires

Most western states have been experiencing drier-than-normal range conditions, and many regions are officially in drought. Conditions have been ripe for a major outbreak quite awhile.


In Bastrop’s Ashes, Officials Find a Lesson in Prescribed Burning

Imagine that you’re in a house in the country. There’s a frantic knock at the door. You open it to find a group of men and women wearing fireproof gear, asking permission to fight a raging wildfire on your property.


Show Expert Assistance Organizations & Professionals (202)
There are 202 resources serving Rolling Plains Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Expert Assistance Organizations & Professionals serving Rolling Plains Region
Fire Services / Prescribed Burning
Abel Sanchez
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Jasper, Tx
Adam Terry
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Diboll, Tx
Alfredo Vasquez
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Diboll, Tx
Allen Ersch
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Fredericksburg, TX
Andrew Bivins
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Amarillo, Tx
Angel Lopez
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Wichita Falls, TX
Annaliese Scoggin
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Abilene, Tx
Archie Stone
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, Tx
Bob Brockman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Sonora, Tx
Bob Watson
Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, TX
Brenton Kartye
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Brett Lawrence
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, Tx
Brian Treadwell
Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Christova, TX
Bryan Vinson
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Rowena, Tx
Central Texas Prescribed Fire Council
- Austin, TX
Central Texas Prescribed Fire Council
- Austin, TX
Charlie Gaines
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Houston, Tx
Chloeta Fire Inc.
Mark Masters - Midwest City, OK
Christopher Colbey
TimberPro Forest Service - Professional Forester, Vendor - Nacogdoches, TX
Clayton Jones
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Nacogdoches, Tx
Cullen Sessions
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Curtis Hodges Jr.
- Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager, Certified Wildlife Biologist, GIS Specialist - Gatesville, TX
Dale Smith
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Amarillo, Tx
Dawn Carrie
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, Tx
Douglass Crawford
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Nacogdoches, Tx
Edwards Plateau Prescribed Burning Association, Inc.
Mark Moseley - College Station, TX
Eric Grahmann
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - San Antonio, Tx
Foster Price
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Sterling City, TX
Frank Mitchell
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Victoria, Tx
Fred Luecke
Texas A&M Forest Service - Resource Specialist II - Smithville, TX
Garnett Valentine
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Glen Gillman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
Jacob Bird
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Center, Tx
James Crumley
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Goldthwaite, Tx
James Hallman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Christoval, Tx
James Kilpatrick
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Hunt, Tx
Jason Granger
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Deridder, La
Jason Raines
Acorn Forestry - Professional Forester, Vendor - Lufkin, TX
Jason Whisler
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, Tx
Jeremiah Zastrow
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Hunt, Tx
Jimmy Rutledge
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Carrizo Springs, Tx
John Crawford
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Nacogdoches, Tx
Jonathan Graber
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Cuero, Tx
Jordan Fowler
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - San Antonio, Tx
Jose Alergia Sr.
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Armstrong, TX
Jose Villarreal
Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, TX
Joseph Pfluger
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, TX
Justin Hill
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, TX
Justin Penick
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Keith Blair
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Ransom Canyon, Tx
Kevin Bowman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Athens, Tx
Kevin Mundorff
Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Prescribed Burn Manger - Huntsville, TX
Lane King
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Avinger, TX
Larry Belles
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Douglass, TX
Larry Doherty
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Burton, TX
Lee Knox
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Abilene, Tx
Lewis Scherer Iii
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Mountain Home, Tx
Lindsey Brown
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Riviera, TX
Loyd Whitehead
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - San Angelo, TX
Lucien Ball
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
Maricella Epperson
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Rocksprings, TX
Mark Mitchell
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, TX
Matthew Lore
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
Michael A. Petter
Resource & Land Management, Inc. - President - Pleasanton, TX
Michael Bird
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Center, Tx
Michael Covey
DBA: MEC Environmental - Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Blue Ridge, TX
Michael Sessions
Creekwood Land & Timber LLC - Professional Forester - Lufkin, TX
Nick Dawson
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Merkel, TX
North Central Texas Prescribed Burn Association
Steve Reger - South Bend, TX
Paige Purvis
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Wolfforth, TX
Phil Becker
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Bandera, TX
Philip Walker
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Ozona, Tx
Prescribed Burn Alliance of Texas
- San Antonio, TX
Prescribed Burn Program - Texas
Patrick Dudley - Coordinator for Agriculture Commodity Boards and Producer Relations - Austin, TX
Racher Resource Management, LLC
- Corona, NM
Rich Gray
Texas A&M Forest Service - Chief Fire Coordinator - Wolfforth, TX
Richard Huegele
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Victoria, Tx
Robert Fuchs
4F Forestry, LLC - Professional Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Rodney Ladner
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, TX
San Bundy
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Fort Stockton, TX
Scott Bosworth
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Tyler, TX
Scotty Ward
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Jasper, Tx
Shane Beavers
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Bowie, TX
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Fire Exchange
Kevin Robertson - Fire Ecology Research Scientist - Tallahassee, FL
Southern Rolling Plains Prescribed Burn Association
- Lubbock, TX
Steven Gibbon
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Manchaca, Tx
Steven Reger
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - South Bend, TX
Texas Interagency Coordination Center
- Lufkin, TX
Texas Panhandle Prescribed Burn Association
- Amarillo, TX
Tom Vandivier
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, TX
William Mccaw
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
William Weekley
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Mountain Home, Tx
Advanced Ecology, LTD.
Keith Webb - Environmental Operations Manager - Center, TX
American Forest Management
- Charlotte, NC
Buddy Rosser
Dean, Youens, & Rosser - Professional Forester - Atlanta, TX
Christopher Colbey
TimberPro Forest Service - Professional Forester, Vendor - Nacogdoches, TX
Christopher E. Adams
Vision Forestry, LLC - Owner/President - Lufkin, TX
Cliff J. Sunda
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC - Vice President – Operations - Tyler, TX
Dalton Alexander
Bird Forestry - Center, TX
Daniel Saenz
Southern Research Station - Research Wildlife Biologist - Nacogdoches, TX
Ed Applequist
- Consulting Forester - Center, TX
Ed O' Brien
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Sam Rayburn, TX
Edward L. O'Brien
Forestry & Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Brookeland, TX
Eric Watson
Champion Forest Resource Manageme - President - Huntsville, TX
Forest Resource Consultants
- Macon, GA
Frank McCook
Southern Research Station - Forester - Cleveland, TX
Gary A. Burns
Burns Forestry and Wildlife - Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
James Bruce Henderson
- Corpus Christi, TX
Jason Raines
Acorn Forestry - Professional Forester, Vendor - Lufkin, TX
Jeffrey Williams
Williams Forestry - Certified Forester - Tyler, TX
Jimmy Don Thomas
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. - Forester - Arkadelphia, AR
Jimmy McNamara
FNC Forest Resource Management - Jacksonville, TX
Joel Rudolph
- Forester, Real Estate Broker - Nacogdoches, TX
John Heath
Forest Resource Consultants Inc - Operations Manager - Nacogdoches, TX
John Kilian
Field Coordinator - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
John Marksberry
Bird Forestry - Forester / Wildlife Biologist - Center, TX
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Kathryn Tillman
U.S. Forest Service - Supervisory Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Ken Braddock
HGT Group, LP - Nacogdoches, TX
Kynda Trim
Aspect Timber & Reforestation - Professional Forester - Alto, TX
Lance Childress
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester And Lease Manager - Linden, TX
Larry Butler
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Lewis Williams
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Lufkin, TX
Mac Martin
Partnership Coordinator | Texas A&M Forest Service - College Station, TX
Mark Drahem
JMS Forestry Associates - Nacogdoches, TX
Mark Wilson
Ward Timber Company Inc. - HEAD FORESTER - Linden, TX
Marty Walker
Walker Forestry Company LLC - Daingerfield, TX
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Blacksburg, VA
Michael Huffman
Pine Ridge Forestry Services, LLC - Owner/Forester - Texarkana, AR
Michael P. Smith
Forestall Company, Inc. - President - Birmingham, AL
Mickey Merritt
Texas A&M Forest Service - Urban & Community Forester State Coordinator - College Station, TX
Mike Bird
Principal / Forester - Bird & Crawford Forestry - Center, TX
Mike Young
FNC Forest Resource Management - Forest Technician - Jacksonville, TX
Nature's Eye Consulting
Blake Hamilton - Founder, Forester & Wildlife Biologist - Lufkin, TX
Pat Grissom
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc - Forester - Texarkana, TX
Peter Kleto
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Grantville, GA
Phil Wright
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc - Forester - Texarkana, TX
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - Senior Appraiser, Eastern US & International - Blacksburg, VA
Ray Lott
Ray Lott & Associates, Inc. - President/Consulting Forester - Texarkana, TX
Richard Cole
Senior Forester - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
Ricky ONeill
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Forester - Camden, AR
Robert Fuchs
4F Forestry, LLC - Professional Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Robin G. Willhoite
United Timber Management Co. - Consulting Forester - Timpson, TX
Ronald F. Billings
Texas Forest Service - Consulting Forester - College Station, TX
Hunting Leases - Alexandria, LA
Ryan W. McKnight
Townsend Forest Management - Professional Forester - Jasper, TX
Scott Nevins
RecLand Realty, LLC - Forester/Agent (TX) - Monroe, LA
Sherman Forestry Services LLC
- Diana, TX
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Silva-Tech - South, Ltd.
Michael D. Bird, ACF - Forester - Center, TX
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Southern Group of State Foresters
- Garner, NC
Southern Timber Growers, Inc.
- Houston, TX
Taylor Wilson
Resource Management Service - District Manager - Lufkin, TX
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Texas A&M Forest Service
- College Station, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Amarillo - Forest Management Office
- Amarillo, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Brownwood Office
Jeff Webb - Brownwood, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Burkburnett Office
Ben Rieck - Burkburnett, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Childress Office
- Childress, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Idalou - West Texas Nursery Office
- Idalou, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Lubbock Office
- Lubbock, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Merkel Office
- Merkel, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - San Angelo Office
- San Angelo, TX
Texas Forestry Association
- Lufkin, TX
The Longleaf Alliance
- Andalusia, AL
Thomas Parnell
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Timothy Gahl
Forest Resource Consultants Inc - Lufkin, TX
Victor E. Hemard, Jr.
Hemard & Company - President - Texarkana, TX
Walsh Timber Co LLC
- Zwolle, LA
Walsh Timber Company, L.L.C.
- Zwolle, LA
Warren E. Peters
Peters Forest Resources, Inc. - President - Baton Rouge, LA
Woodlot and Timber Services
American Forest Management
- Charlotte, NC
Brush Clearing Services, LLC
Brian P Sheppard - Pine Mountain, GA
Chloeta Fire Inc.
Mark Masters - Midwest City, OK
Christopher Colbey
TimberPro Forest Service - Professional Forester, Vendor - Nacogdoches, TX
Dalton Alexander
Bird Forestry - Center, TX
Jimmy McNamara
FNC Forest Resource Management - Jacksonville, TX
Joel Rudolph
- Forester, Real Estate Broker - Nacogdoches, TX
John Kilian
Field Coordinator - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
John Marksberry
Bird Forestry - Forester / Wildlife Biologist - Center, TX
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Kynda Trim
Aspect Timber & Reforestation - Professional Forester - Alto, TX
Lance Childress
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester And Lease Manager - Linden, TX
Larry Butler
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Mark Wilson
Ward Timber Company Inc. - HEAD FORESTER - Linden, TX
Michael Sessions
Creekwood Land & Timber LLC - Professional Forester - Lufkin, TX
Mike Young
FNC Forest Resource Management - Forest Technician - Jacksonville, TX
Ray Lott
Ray Lott & Associates, Inc. - President/Consulting Forester - Texarkana, TX
Rory Burroughs
Comprehensive Land Management, Inc. - Rotan, TX
Hunting Leases - Alexandria, LA
Scott Nevins
RecLand Realty, LLC - Forester/Agent (TX) - Monroe, LA
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Thomas Parnell
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Trayvis Todd
Forestry Associates, Inc. - Silvicultural Specialist / Forester - Sheridan, AR
Walsh Timber Co LLC
- Zwolle, LA
Walsh Timber Company, L.L.C.
- Zwolle, LA

 Firewise Communities

Show Articles on Firewise Communities (24)
There’s a Simple Way to Stop Dangerous Wildfires. We Barely Use It.

Witnessing the way that prescribed-burn association members across generations, cultural backgrounds and political beliefs are working together to care for the land has changed my view of the future.& ...


Steps Fire Science Programs

Fire science is about much more than just fighting fires. It covers everything from what causes them to how they behave and are investigated. Fire science jobs require serious knowledge and skills, like those taught in accredited online fire science degree programs. Keep reading to learn all about online fire science degrees, including how they work and where to find top programs.



Tools and Information to Protect Your Property From Wildfires

Download this document to find tools and information to help you prepare your home and property for protection against wildfire threats.


Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire

Dr. Jack Cohen, Fire Science Researcher with the USDA Forest Service, explains current research about how homes ignite during wildfires, and the actions that homeowners can take to help their home survive the impacts of flames and embers.


Fire Effects Information System

The Fire Effects Information System is an online collection of reviews of the scientific literature about fire effects on plants and animals and about fire regimes of plant communities in the United States. FEIS reviews are based on thorough literature searches, often supplemented with insights from field scientists and managers. FEIS provides reviews that are efficient to use, thoroughly documented, and defensible. Approximately 15 to 30 new or revised reviews are published in FEIS each year. There are 3 types of FEIS reviews:

  1. Species Reviews 
  2. Fire Studies 
  3. Fire Regime Syntheses 


50 Fantastic Fire Science Resources

Every 23 seconds a fire erupts in the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Association, and, in 2011 alone, there were over 1.3 million fires that required fire department intervention. Not only are firefighters brave, they are also very busy!

Firefighters often begin their careers by volunteering at local firehouses, joining the junior firefighter league or undergoing training through municipal fire companies. They might also choose to pursue a program in fire science, a path that could end with an associate or bachelor’s degree. The following resources are meant to help aspiring firefighters understand what the job requires, plan for the education and training they will undergo and keep abreast of the field with the latest research, publications and blogs from firefighters who are in the line of duty every day.

50 Fantastic Fire Science Resources


Fire Safety Guide Book

Approximately 140 students complete fire science programs every year in Arkansas at one of the state’s three accredited fire science schools. A significant number of these fire science graduates come out of the Arkansas Fire Training Academy at Southern Arkansas University Tech. Although the number of graduating fire science students is relatively low, their job prospects are wide-ranging. In addition to firefighting and fire service administration, potential career opportunities also include inspecting structures for fire safety or analyzing and investigating the causes of fires.

Fire science education in Arkansas is limited to certificates and associate degrees. Programs range in focus from fire and emergency response to fire science technology to fire services management. Degree programs explore the knowledge and skills that aspiring fire professionals need to enter the workforce, while also offering preparation for specialized career choices.

Fire Science Degree Programs





LANDFIRE - multi-partner wildland fire, ecosystem, and wildland fuel mapping projectLANDFIRE is a program that provides over 20 national geo-spatial layers (e.g. vegetation, fuel, disturbance, etc.), databases, and ecological models that are available to the public for the US and insular areas.

You can view and download products which are updated every two years to reflect change on the landscape over time. These data provide information for regional and national landscape strategic planning for fire and natural resource management activities.


Keep tabs on wildfire activity via this U.S. Geological Survey website, GeoMAC.

Point and Click to Track Wildfire Activity in the United States.  Wildfires continue to burn across much of the western United States, and 39,000 fires have scorched 5,899,245 acres this year as of August 7, 2017 according to the National Interagency Fire Center


Fire Adapted Communities Reference Guide

This guide is designed to help leaders, planners, emergency professionals, and citizens learn the best approaches and programs to help their community become more fire adapted.


Firewise Recognition Program - Community Assessment Template

This text is prepared for the use of individuals conducting community assessments as a part of the Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Program.


Be Embers Aware

A high-intensity wildfire can produce a virtual blizzard of embers. Some can travel more than a mile before landing. They can get into the smallest places and easily start a fire that can burn down an entire home.


Community Wildfire Protection Plan Guide

This guide was developed to aid stakeholders in the process of developing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). CWPPs are a collaborative approach to wildland fire protection and mitigation.


Firewise Landscaping in Texas

The purpose of this guide is to provide basic information about Firewise landscaping.


Firewise Volunteer Tools

To qualify as a recognized Firewise Communities/USA site, NFPA's Firewise Communities programs asks you to document your investment in these Firewise efforts by tracking any expenses, grants received, and especially time spent by volunteers in making your community safer from wildfire.


Firewise Activities Matching Funds Recording Sheet

Learn what qualifies for matching funds for Firewise grants.


Firewise Volunteer/In-kind Tracking Sheet


Firewise Volunteer Time Sheet


A User Guide to the Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Program

This guide is provided as a general reference and resource for those interested or planning to become a recognized Firewise community.


Firewise Application 2015

Upon completion of the recognition criteria outline in this application, please submit this for to your Firewise State Liaison for review and approval.


Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet


About Your Firewise Investment

Investing in local Firewise actions proves that your community takes wildfire safety seriously.


BLM Fire Preparedness Program Summary for 2014

As fire seasons have tended to become longer and fire behavior more severe, questions inevitably arise among the public and media. “Is ...


Western Wildfires

Most western states have been experiencing drier-than-normal range conditions, and many regions are officially in drought. Conditions have been ripe for a major outbreak quite awhile.


Show Firewise Communities Organizations & Professionals (95)
There are 95 resources serving Rolling Plains Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Firewise Communities Organizations & Professionals serving Rolling Plains Region
Fire Services / Prescribed Burning
Abel Sanchez
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Jasper, Tx
Adam Terry
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Diboll, Tx
Alfredo Vasquez
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Diboll, Tx
Allen Ersch
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Fredericksburg, TX
Andrew Bivins
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Amarillo, Tx
Angel Lopez
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Wichita Falls, TX
Annaliese Scoggin
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Abilene, Tx
Archie Stone
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, Tx
Bob Brockman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Sonora, Tx
Bob Watson
Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, TX
Brenton Kartye
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Brett Lawrence
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, Tx
Brian Treadwell
Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Christova, TX
Bryan Vinson
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Rowena, Tx
Central Texas Prescribed Fire Council
- Austin, TX
Central Texas Prescribed Fire Council
- Austin, TX
Charlie Gaines
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Houston, Tx
Chloeta Fire Inc.
Mark Masters - Midwest City, OK
Christopher Colbey
TimberPro Forest Service - Professional Forester, Vendor - Nacogdoches, TX
Clayton Jones
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Nacogdoches, Tx
Cullen Sessions
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Curtis Hodges Jr.
- Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager, Certified Wildlife Biologist, GIS Specialist - Gatesville, TX
Dale Smith
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Amarillo, Tx
Dawn Carrie
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, Tx
Douglass Crawford
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Nacogdoches, Tx
Edwards Plateau Prescribed Burning Association, Inc.
Mark Moseley - College Station, TX
Eric Grahmann
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - San Antonio, Tx
Foster Price
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Sterling City, TX
Frank Mitchell
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Victoria, Tx
Fred Luecke
Texas A&M Forest Service - Resource Specialist II - Smithville, TX
Garnett Valentine
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Glen Gillman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
Jacob Bird
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Center, Tx
James Crumley
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Goldthwaite, Tx
James Hallman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Christoval, Tx
James Kilpatrick
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Hunt, Tx
Jason Granger
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Deridder, La
Jason Raines
Acorn Forestry - Professional Forester, Vendor - Lufkin, TX
Jason Whisler
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, Tx
Jeremiah Zastrow
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Hunt, Tx
Jimmy Rutledge
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Carrizo Springs, Tx
John Crawford
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Nacogdoches, Tx
Jonathan Graber
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Cuero, Tx
Jordan Fowler
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - San Antonio, Tx
Jose Alergia Sr.
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Armstrong, TX
Jose Villarreal
Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, TX
Joseph Pfluger
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, TX
Justin Hill
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Huntsville, TX
Justin Penick
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, Tx
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Keith Blair
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Ransom Canyon, Tx
Kevin Bowman
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Athens, Tx
Kevin Mundorff
Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Prescribed Burn Manger - Huntsville, TX
Lane King
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Avinger, TX
Larry Belles
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Douglass, TX
Larry Doherty
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Burton, TX
Lee Knox
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Abilene, Tx
Lewis Scherer Iii
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Mountain Home, Tx
Lindsey Brown
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Riviera, TX
Loyd Whitehead
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - San Angelo, TX
Lucien Ball
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
Maricella Epperson
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Rocksprings, TX
Mark Mitchell
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Borger, TX
Matthew Lore
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
Michael A. Petter
Resource & Land Management, Inc. - President - Pleasanton, TX
Michael Bird
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Center, Tx
Michael Covey
DBA: MEC Environmental - Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Blue Ridge, TX
Michael Sessions
Creekwood Land & Timber LLC - Professional Forester - Lufkin, TX
Nick Dawson
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Merkel, TX
North Central Texas Prescribed Burn Association
Steve Reger - South Bend, TX
Paige Purvis
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Wolfforth, TX
Phil Becker
Private Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Bandera, TX
Philip Walker
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Ozona, Tx
Prescribed Burn Alliance of Texas
- San Antonio, TX
Prescribed Burn Program - Texas
Patrick Dudley - Coordinator for Agriculture Commodity Boards and Producer Relations - Austin, TX
Racher Resource Management, LLC
- Corona, NM
Rich Gray
Texas A&M Forest Service - Chief Fire Coordinator - Wolfforth, TX
Richard Huegele
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Victoria, Tx
Robert Fuchs
4F Forestry, LLC - Professional Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Rodney Ladner
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Lufkin, TX
San Bundy
Texas A&M Forest Service - Regional Fire Coordinator - Fort Stockton, TX
Scott Bosworth
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Tyler, TX
Scotty Ward
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Jasper, Tx
Shane Beavers
- Commercial Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Bowie, TX
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Fire Exchange
Kevin Robertson - Fire Ecology Research Scientist - Tallahassee, FL
Southern Rolling Plains Prescribed Burn Association
- Lubbock, TX
Steven Gibbon
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Manchaca, Tx
Steven Reger
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - South Bend, TX
Texas Interagency Coordination Center
- Lufkin, TX
Texas Panhandle Prescribed Burn Association
- Amarillo, TX
Tom Vandivier
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, TX
William Mccaw
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Austin, Tx
William Weekley
- Private Certified And Insured Prescribed Burn Manager - Mountain Home, Tx

 Laws And Regulations

Show Articles on Laws And Regulations (4)
Prescribed Burning in Southern Pine Forests

Prescribed burning is an important wildlife management tool used in our southern pine forests. With an understanding of fire ecology, landowners can effectively apply techniques to improve wildlife habitat using the controlled application of fire.& ...


The Law of Agricultural Land Preservation in the United States

Thomas Daniels and John Keene's new book breaks down the legal principles, federal and state requirements, and the legal issues that affect agricultural land preservation efforts.


Prescribed Range Burning in Texas

Prescribed range burning follows guidelines that establish the conditions and manner under which fire will be applied on a specific area to accomplish specific management and ecological objectives.


Outdoor Burning In Texas

This guide helps interpret the revised Outdoor Burning Rule, Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Sections 111.201–221, for the general public, the regulated community, and responsible state and local officials.