Carbon Sequestration in Post Oak Savannah Region

 Carbon Sequestration

Show Articles on Carbon Sequestration (26)
Ecosystem Services: New Frontiers in Land-Based Resources

Ecosystem markets are expanding and morphing into new configurations at a mind-boggling speed. While landowners may be tempted to stay at the house until the dust clears, Ellis suggested landowners get engaged now.


What are ecosystem services markets?

A beginner’s guide to ecosystem service marketplaces Carbon credits. Asset quantification. Protocol assessment. Verifiers. The terms surrounding ecosystem services markets are foreign to most landowners.


How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change

 Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert, begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos.


Animating the Carbon Cycle 3

Individual presentation from the Animating the Carbon Cycle Webinar held the Global Rewilding Alliance on 3 June 2021


How Forests Store Carbon

This article offers an introduction to how forest store carbon. It describes how forests impact the carbon cycle, and how forests can be used to help combat climate change.


Family-Owned Forests: How To Unlock The Carbon Potential In America's Backyard

The Family Forest Carbon Program is a new program, created by the American Forest Foundation and The Nature Conservancy, to open carbon markets to small forest landowners, empowering them to be able to help address our climate challenges.


Where Is the Carbon? Carbon Sequestration Potential from Private Forestland in the Southern United States

Uncertainty surrounding the future supply of timber in the southern United States prompted the question, “Where is all the wood?” (Cubbage et al.


Leveraging the Landscape - State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2012

Over the last three years, projects that address the relationships between carbon and forests have moved from the sidelines of international climate action to center field.


Do You Know What Your Forest Carbon Offsets Are?

In the world of forest carbon offsets, it’s absolutely essential to understand seven general terms with very precise meanings.   real additional permanent verifiable quantifiable leakage reversal These concepts apply to all offset projects, but each type of project has its own methodology for calculating offsets.& ...


Urban Forestry

David Nowak of the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station presents this video short course discussing how trees in cities provide important ecosystem services and help to reduce the urban heat island effect and lower building energy use.


The Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration

Luke Nave from the University of Michigan Biological Station presents this video short course on the fact that the largest terrestrial carbon pool is contained in soils.


Grasslands and Carbon - Processes and Trends

Rebecca McCulley of the University of Kentucky, Dept. of Plant & Soil Sciences presents this video short course on Grasslands, which make up 30% of the U.S ...


Forest Management Options for Carbon Sequestration - Considerations in the Eastern U.S.

Richard Birdsey of the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station provides the Eastern U.S. forest perspective on carbon sequestration and examples of forest carbon management projects in this video short course.


Forest Management Options for Carbon Sequestration - A Western U.S. Perspective

Bernard Bormann of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station presents this video short course on the western U.S. perspective on forest management for carbon sequestration, and the above and below- ground carbon consequences of different management strategies.


Forests and Carbon - Trends and Data for the U.S.

In this video short course you can get the scoop on forestland carbon storage in the United States, which helps offset approximately 12% of US carbon emissions from fossil fuels.


Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 2) - Protocols, Projects and Opportunities

Andrea Tuttle presents this video short course ont forest carbon markets and how these can be used to capture and hold carbon on the landscape.


Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 1) - Basics of Carbon Offsets, Markets, and Trading

Wondering about carbon offsets, credits, baselines, permanence and leakage? Get the carbon basics here and find out why forest offsets could be a bridge to the future.


Bioenergy from Wood and Forest Carbon Dynamics

What is a carbon neutrality number and how can we ensure that wood used to produce energy makes sense from a carbon offset standpoint?


Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers

The Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers, produced by the American Farmland Trust (AFT), provides an overview of available market opportunities for environmental credits and services, how farmers and ranchers can get involved in them, and ways to encourage their continued growth.


Innovations in Market-Based Watershed Conservation in the United States - Payments for Watershed Services for Agricultural and Forest Landowners

New innovations in payments for watershed services (PWS) have emerged in the past decade and are pointing the way toward watershed protection approaches that might effectively complement existing government conservation programs and incentives for rural landowners.


Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due - Increasing Landowner Compensation for Ecosystem Services

This report provides an overview of existing payment programs and markets, and discusses the concepts of bundling and stacking, offer policy recommendations, and provides examples of current efforts to more effectively integrate payment opportunities for landowners.


Ecosystem Service Market Development - The Role and Opportunity for Finance

The creation of tradable credits for the development or preservation of ecosystem services has emerged as a method to provide such payments.


Meeting Regulatory Needs with Voluntary Conservation

Take a look at a PowerPoint presentation on market-based approaches as a voluntary means to reduce the cost of compliance with environmental regulations.& ...


Natural Resources Credit Trading Reference

The purpose of the NRCS Natural Resource Credit Trading Reference is to provide an understanding of how environmental credit trading can be used to increase the provision of conservation and ecosystem services by agriculture.


Payments for Forest Carbon

Payments for forest carbon sequestration are an emerging opportunity for small forest owners to earn additional income, and in turn to sustain both the economic and ecological values of the Northern Forest.


Barking Up the Wrong Tree? Forest Sustainability in the Wake of Emerging Bioenergy Policies

Renewable energy policies generally have assumed that forests can provide a significant source of environmentally-friendly feedstocks for electricity, heat and power generation.


Show Carbon Sequestration Organizations & Professionals (338)
There are 338 resources serving Post Oak Savannah Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Carbon Sequestration Organizations & Professionals serving Post Oak Savannah Region
Carbon Credits and Sequestration
ACRE Investment Management, LLC
- The Plains, VA
American Carbon Registry
John Kadyszewski - Director - Arlington, VA
Anson Boulware Howard
Uhl, Fitzsimons, Burton, Wolff & Rangel, PLLC - Partner - San Antonio, TX
Aurora Sustainable Lands
- Chapel Hill, NC
Bahia Grande Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors - Galveston, TX
- Houston, TX
Bio-Logical Capital
Grant McCargo - Managing Director, Founder and CEO - Denver, CO
Blue Source
- Cottonwood Heights, UT
Bradley Raffle
Conservation Capital - CEO - Eugene, OR
Brandon Smith
HHNT, Inc. - Senior Ecologist - Savannah, GA
Camp Wood Conservation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Camp Wood, TX
Chestnut Carbon Solutions
- New York, NY
Cliff J. Sunda
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC - Vice President – Operations - Tyler, TX
Climate Action Reserve
- Los Angeles, CA
Conservation Plus
- The Plains, VA
Cori Gavin
Eco-Restore, LLC - Senior Project Manager - Gulfport, MS
- Arlington, VA
Eco-Harvest Market Program
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium - Falls Church, VA
Ecosystem Investment Partners
- Baltimore, MD
Ecosystem Marketplace
- Washington, DC
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium
Debbie Reed - Executive Director - Falls Church, VA
- Bethesda, MD
EP Carbon
- Berkeley, CA
Family Forest Carbon Program
American Forest Foundation - Washington, DC
Finite Carbon
- Wayne, PA
Forest Carbon Fund
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Carbon Works
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Trends
- Washington, DC
Frentress-Johnson West Bay Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Freeport, TX
Gin City Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Huffman, TX
Grassroots Carbon
- San Antonio, TX
PastureMap - San Antonio, TX
Green Assets, Inc
- Wilmington, NC
Hondo Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Hondo, TX
Indigo Ag
- Boston, MA
Ironwood Resource Advisors LLC
Troy Madrigal - Sales POC - Fulshear, TX
Katy Prairie Stream Mitigation Bank
Troy Madrigal - Bank Sponsor POC - Waller, TX
- Chattanooga, TN
Locus Agricultural Solutions
- Solon, OH
Mad Agriculture
- Boulder, CO
Natural Capital Exchange (NCX)
- San Francisco, CA
Nori LLC
- Seattle, WA
- San Francisco, CA
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Centerville, TX
Robin G. Willhoite
United Timber Management Co. - Consulting Forester - Timpson, TX
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Soil Value Exchange, PBLLC
- Houston, TX
TerraCarbon LLC
- Peoria, IL
The Climate Trust
- Portland, OR
The Earth Partners
- Houston, TX
Trinity Oaks Stream Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Long Lake, TX
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC
Preston W. Smith - VP Business Development & Sales - Tyler, TX
Climate Scientists
PastureMap - San Antonio, TX
Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC)
- The Woodlands, TX
Judah Cohen
Atmospheric and Environmental Research - Director of Seasonal Forecasting - Lexington, MA
Adam Barbee
Trees LLc. - Reginal Manager - Houston, TX
Advanced Ecology, LTD.
Keith Webb - Environmental Operations Manager - Center, TX
American Forest Management
- Charlotte, NC
Bob Harper
Harper Forestry, LLC - President - Conroe, TX
Buddy Rosser
Dean, Youens, & Rosser - Professional Forester - Atlanta, TX
Carl Herberg
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. - Professional Forester - Texarkana, TX
Charles Westmoreland, CF
- Conroe, TX
Chris Bartley
F&W Forestry Services Inc - Professional Forester - Huntsville, TX
Christopher Colbey
TimberPro Forest Service - Professional Forester, Vendor - Nacogdoches, TX
Christopher E. Adams
Vision Forestry, LLC - Owner/President - Lufkin, TX
Cliff J. Sunda
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC - Vice President – Operations - Tyler, TX
Cook Forest Management
- Nacogdoches, TX
Dalton Alexander
Bird Forestry - Center, TX
Daniel Saenz
Southern Research Station - Research Wildlife Biologist - Nacogdoches, TX
David C. Smith
David C. Smith Forest and Wildlife Management - Professional Forester - Mineola, TX
David G. Macher
Renewable Forest Management, LLC - Professional Forester - Flint, TX
David Litterst
David Litterst Forest Management - Professional Forester - Jacksonville, TX
Ed Applequist
- Consulting Forester - Center, TX
Ed O' Brien
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Sam Rayburn, TX
Edward L. O'Brien
Forestry & Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Brookeland, TX
Edwin L. Barnes, Jr.
Barnes Land & Timber Management, LLC - Liberty Hill, TX
Eric Watson
Champion Forest Resource Manageme - President - Huntsville, TX
Forest Resource Consultants
- Macon, GA
Frank McCook
Southern Research Station - Forester - Cleveland, TX
Gary A. Burns
Burns Forestry and Wildlife - Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
Harry Faulkner, TAF
- Texas Accredited Forester with Texas Forestry Association - Lufkin, TX
James Bruce Henderson
- Corpus Christi, TX
James S Houser
FNC Forest Resource Management - Professional Forester - Jacksonville, TX
James W. Dawson
Dawson Forestry Services - Owner - Cushing, TX
Jason Raines
Acorn Forestry - Professional Forester, Vendor - Lufkin, TX
Jay R Tidwell
Landpoint Forestry LLC - Professional Forester - Bivins, TX
Jeffrey Williams
Williams Forestry - Certified Forester - Tyler, TX
Jeremy C. Abston
Landpoint Forestry - Professional Forester - Naples, TX
Jimmy Don Thomas
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. - Forester - Arkadelphia, AR
Jimmy McNamara
FNC Forest Resource Management - Jacksonville, TX
Joel Rudolph
- Forester, Real Estate Broker - Nacogdoches, TX
John Heath
Forest Resource Consultants Inc - Operations Manager - Nacogdoches, TX
John Kilian
Field Coordinator - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
John Marksberry
Bird Forestry - Forester / Wildlife Biologist - Center, TX
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Kathryn Tillman
U.S. Forest Service - Supervisory Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Ken Braddock
HGT Group, LP - Nacogdoches, TX
Kent Colburn
Colburn Forestry - Professional Forester - Livingston, TX
Kollin Hurt
Kollin Hurt Forestry, Inc. - Professional Forester - Gilmer, TX
Kynda Trim
Aspect Timber & Reforestation - Professional Forester - Alto, TX
Lance Childress
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester And Lease Manager - Linden, TX
Larry Butler
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Lewis Williams
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Lufkin, TX
Mac Burns
Burns Forestry - Certified Arborist, Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
Mac Martin
Partnership Coordinator | Texas A&M Forest Service - College Station, TX
Mark Drahem
JMS Forestry Associates - Nacogdoches, TX
Mark E. Erb
Forestry Associates, LLC - Professional Forester - Huntsville, TX
Mark Wilson
Ward Timber Company Inc. - HEAD FORESTER - Linden, TX
Marty Walker
Walker Forestry Company LLC - Daingerfield, TX
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Blacksburg, VA
Michael Huffman
Pine Ridge Forestry Services, LLC - Owner/Forester - Hooks, TX
Michael Huffman
Pine Ridge Forestry Services, LLC - Owner/Forester - Texarkana, AR
Michael P. Smith
Forestall Company, Inc. - President - Birmingham, AL
Mick Schmitt
FNC Forest Resource Management - Jacksonville, TX
Mickey Merritt
Texas A&M Forest Service - Urban & Community Forester State Coordinator - College Station, TX
Mike Bird
Principal / Forester - Bird & Crawford Forestry - Center, TX
Mike Cline
Mike Cline Consulting Forester - Professional Forester - Palestine, TX
Mike Young
FNC Forest Resource Management - Forest Technician - Jacksonville, TX
Nature's Eye Consulting
Blake Hamilton - Founder, Forester & Wildlife Biologist - Lufkin, TX
Pat Grissom
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc - Forester - Texarkana, TX
Peter Kleto
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Grantville, GA
Phil Wright
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc - Forester - Texarkana, TX
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - Senior Appraiser, Eastern US & International - Blacksburg, VA
Ray Lott
Ray Lott & Associates, Inc. - President/Consulting Forester - Texarkana, TX
Richard Cole
Senior Forester - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
Ricky ONeill
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Forester - Camden, AR
Robert Fuchs
4F Forestry, LLC - Professional Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Robin G. Willhoite
United Timber Management Co. - Consulting Forester - Timpson, TX
Ronald F. Billings
Texas Forest Service - Consulting Forester - College Station, TX
Ronnie Bane
Burditt Associates - Vice President - Conroe, TX
Hunting Leases - Alexandria, LA
Ryan W. McKnight
Townsend Forest Management - Professional Forester - Jasper, TX
Scott Nevins
RecLand Realty, LLC - Forester/Agent (TX) - Monroe, LA
Scott Shartle Family Tree Farm, LLC
- Crockett, TX
Sean Johnson
ETX Resource Management LLC - Owner/Forest Resource Manager - Jacksonville, TX
Sherman Forestry Services LLC
- Diana, TX
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Silva-Tech - South, Ltd.
Michael D. Bird, ACF - Forester - Center, TX
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Southern Group of State Foresters
- Garner, NC
Southern Timber Growers, Inc.
- Houston, TX
Spencer Burke
SKB Consulting LLC - Professional Forester - Crockett, TX
Steven Sutton
East Texas Forestry Service - Avinger, TX
Taylor Wilson
Resource Management Service - District Manager - Lufkin, TX
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Texas A&M Forest Service
- College Station, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Austin - TDEM-TxDPS Office
- Austin, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Austin Office
- Austin, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Clarksville Office
- Clarksville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Conroe Office
- Conroe, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Crockett Office
- Crockett, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Houston Office
- Houston, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Humble Office
- Houston, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Huntsville Office
- Huntsville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Jacksonville Office
- Jacksonville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - La Grange Office
- La Grange, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Linden Office
- Linden, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - New Boston Office
- New Boston, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Palestine Office
- Palestine, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Pittsburg Office
- Pittsburg, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - San Antonio Office
- San Antonio, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Smithville Office
- Smithville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Victoria Office
- Victoria, TX
Texas Forestry Association
- Lufkin, TX
The Longleaf Alliance
- Andalusia, AL
Thomas Clifton West
R&W Timber Resources - Professional Forester - Detriot, TX
Thomas Parnell
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Thomas Paul Jenkins CF, ISA
Jenkins Forest Resources LLC - Certified Forester - Humble, TX
Timothy Gahl
Forest Resource Consultants Inc - Lufkin, TX
Tucker Cullen Smith
David C. Smith: Forest & Wildlife Management - Professional Forester - Mineola, TX
Victor E. Hemard, Jr.
Hemard & Company - President - Texarkana, TX
Walsh Timber Co LLC
- Zwolle, LA
Walsh Timber Company, L.L.C.
- Zwolle, LA
Warren E. Peters
Peters Forest Resources, Inc. - President - Baton Rouge, LA
Wayne S Pfluger
Lone Star Forestry, LLC - Professional Forester, Vendor - Huntsville, TX
Wes White Forestry Consultant
- Jacksonville, TX
William Hoebel
W. G. Hoebel Company, Inc. - Professional Forester - Henderson, TX
Mitigation Banks
Anderson Tract Mitigation Bank
Mario Mata - Bank Sponsor POC - Austin, TX
Bahia Grande Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors - Galveston, TX
Bayou Bend Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors LLC - Sales POC - Fulshear, TX
Big Woods on the Trinity Mitigation Bank
JoAnn Hill - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Bio-Logical Capital
Grant McCargo - Managing Director, Founder and CEO - Denver, CO
Brooks Creek
Tanner Garth - Client Solutions Manager - Houston, TX
Brooks Creek Mitigation Bank
Ryan Owings - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Bellaire, TX
Buenaventura Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0 Bank)
Ms. Codi Moore - Bank Sponsor POC - Port Allen, LA
Burleson Wetlands Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Butler Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0)
Mr Bill Goodrum - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Nacogdoches, TX
Byrd Tract Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Call Junction
Lyme Timber Company - Hanover, NH
Camp Wood Conservation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Camp Wood, TX
Cliff J. Sunda
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC - Vice President – Operations - Tyler, TX
Coastal Environments - Baton Rouge
- Baton Rouge, LA
Coastal Environments - Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi, TX
Coastal Environments - Houston
- Houston, TX
Cottonwood Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Mr. Preston W. Smith - Bank Sponsor POC - Tyler, TX
Cypress Slough Mitigation Bank
Mr. Jeremy Buechter - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Kilgore, TX
Daisetta Swamp
TCP II Daisetta - Bank Sponsor - Center, TX
Daisy Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Dragon Creek Mitigation Bank
Mr. Mark Byrd - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Southlake, TX
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Ecosystem Investment Partners
- Baltimore, MD
Edmore Creek Mitigation Bank
Ms. Kerri Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Longview, TX
Festina Lente Ranch Species Conservation Bank
Tanner Garth - Client Solutions Manager - Houston, TX
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
- Charlottesville, VA
Flat Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Frentress-Johnson West Bay Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Freeport, TX
Gin City
Troy Madrigal - Bank Sponsor POC - Fulshear, TX
Gin City Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Huffman, TX
Greens Bayou
Ms. Corinne Meinert - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Greens Bayou - HCFCD
Ms. Corinne Meinert - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Houston, TX
Griffith League Ranch Conservation Bank
Scout Executive - Owner - Bank Sponsor POC - Austin, TX
Hawkins Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Hondo Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Hondo, TX
Houston Conroe Mitigation Bank
Chelsea Smith - Houston, TX
Ironwood Resource Advisors LLC
Troy Madrigal - Sales POC - Fulshear, TX
Katy Hockley - HCFCD
Mr. Brock Nedland - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Houston, TX
Katy Hockley Mitigation Bank
Mr. Brock Nedland - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Katy Prairie Stream
LLC Restoration Systems - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Raleigh, NC
Katy Prairie Stream Mitigation Bank
Troy Madrigal - Bank Sponsor POC - Waller, TX
Keystone Mitigation Bank
JoAnn Hill - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
KLAMM Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Mill Creek
Preston W. Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Tyler, TX
Mitigation Solutions USA
- Center, TX
Mud Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Mustang Ranch
Lyme Timber Company - Hanover, NH
OXBOW Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Pineywoods Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor - Fort Worth, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Centerville, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
Ross Guidry - Region Land Manager - Lafayette, LA
Restoration Systems
- Raleigh, NC
RiverBank Ecosystems
Adam Riggsbee, PhD - Austin, TX
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Sabal Wetland Preserve Mitigation Bank (Phase 1)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Sabal Wetland Preserve Mitigation Bank Expansion (Phase 2)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Sea Breeze Mitigation Bank
D. Mayes Middleton II Non-Exempt Trust - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Mr. Josh McDorman - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Steele Creek Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Straus Medina Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Terry McKenzie - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank
Chelsea Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Chevy Chase, MD
Trinity Oaks Stream Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Long Lake, TX
West Mineola Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
West Mud Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Wilbarger Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC
Preston W. Smith - VP Business Development & Sales - Tyler, TX
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Alan Cain
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - White-tailed Deer Program Leader - Austin, TX
Bahia Grande Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors - Galveston, TX
Beyrl Armstrong
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Co-Founder - Austin, TX
Blaise Korzekwa
Wildlife Biologist - South Texas Plains Wildlife District - TPWD - Pearsall, TX
Bosse Planning & Associates
- Austin, TX
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute
- Kingsville, TX
Camp Wood Conservation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Camp Wood, TX
Clay Whitfill
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
Conservation Equity Partners
- Nacogdoches, TX
Cook Forest Management
- Nacogdoches, TX
Curtis Hodges Jr.
- Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager, Certified Wildlife Biologist, GIS Specialist - Gatesville, TX
Dana Karelus
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Mammalogist - Austin, TX
David Holdermann
Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Limestone County - TPWD - Tyler, TX
David Riley
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service - College Station, TX
DESCO Environmental Consultants, LP
- Magnolia, TX
Dusty Alexander
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
Eric Keith
Project Manager - Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Huntsville, TX
Frentress-Johnson West Bay Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Freeport, TX
Gary A. Burns
Burns Forestry and Wildlife - Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Gin City Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Huffman, TX
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
Gulf Coast Joint Venture
Barry Wilson, USFWS - GCJV Coordinator - Lafayette, LA
Hondo Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Hondo, TX
Hydrex Environmental, Inc.
Environmental Scientist - Clayton Collier - Nacogdoches, TX
Jacob Gaskamp
Wildland Systems Consulting - Wildlife Biologist - Chappell Hill, TX
Jason Hardin
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wild Turkey Program Coordinator - Austin, TX
Jason Raines
Acorn Forestry - Professional Forester, Vendor - Lufkin, TX
Jenny Blair, C.W.B.
Blair Wildlife Consulting - Principal - Kyle, TX
Joe Hamrick
Compliance and Wildlife - Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Huntsville, TX
John J. Kuhl
Hicks and Company - Austin, TX
John Marksberry
Bird Forestry - Forester / Wildlife Biologist - Center, TX
John Silovsky
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Director of Wildlife - Austin, TX
Jonathan Warner
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Alligator Program Leader - Austin, TX
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Kyle Lassiter
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Kyle Thigpen
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department - Private Lands Leasing Biologist - Austin, TX
Kyndal Anderson
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Landmark Wildlife Management LLC
Keith Olenick - Principal/Senior Biologist - Austin, TX
Lannie B. Philley, AFM
Delta Land & Farm Mgmt Co, LLC - Appraiser, Manager - Mer Rouge, LA
Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
Keith McKnight - Coordinator - Vicksburg, MS
Lynn Kitchen, Ph.D.
Adams Environmental - Vice President - San Antonio, TX
Mark Gray
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Mark Hefner
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Landowner Adviser - Austin, TX
Matt Reidy
Wildlife Biologist - South Texas Plains Wildlife District - TPWD - Devine, TX
Mid-America Monarch Conservation Strategy
- Rhinelander, WI
Nathan Rains
Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Cross Timbers and Hill Country Wildlife Districts - TPWD - Cleburne, TX
Nature's Eye Consulting
Blake Hamilton - Founder, Forester & Wildlife Biologist - Lufkin, TX
Neiman Environments Inc
- Junction, TX
Nick Fisher
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
North Central Fayette County Wildlife Management Co-op
- Round Top, TX
Pines and Prairies Land Trust
Melanie Pavlas - Executive Director - Bastrop, TX
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Preservation Texas
- Austin, TX
Private Lands Biologist Program
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Austin, TX
Quail Coalition
- Dallas, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Centerville, TX
Ricky ONeill
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Forester - Camden, AR
Rio Grande Joint Venture
- Alpine, TX
RiverBank Ecosystems
Adam Riggsbee, PhD - Austin, TX
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Robin G. Willhoite
United Timber Management Co. - Consulting Forester - Timpson, TX
Roel Lopez
Director - Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute - College Station, TX
Ronnie Bane
Burditt Associates - Vice President - Conroe, TX
Ross Carrie
Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - President - Huntsville, TX
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
Rufus Stephens
Rufus Wildlife Consulting - Wildlife Biologist/Ecologist - Boerne, TX
Sarah Kahlich
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Shane Kiefer
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Director of Ecological Services - Austin, TX
Shantel Porterfield
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Siglo Group
Jonathan Ogren - Principal and Environmental Planner - Austin, TX
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Aiken, SC
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management
Scott Brown - OwnerNC
Sphere 3-Environmental
- Longview, TX
Steve Nelle
Private Independent Land Management Consulting - Wildlife Biologist / Rangeland Specialist - San Angelo, TX
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Texas Brigades
- New Braunfels, TX
Texas Wildlife Diversity Program
John Davis - Program Director - Austin, TX
Thomas DeWitt
Associate Professor - College Station, TX
Trent Tienert
Wildlife Biologist, Natural Resources Specialist - South Texas Plains Wildlife District - TPWD - Gonzales, TX
Trey Barron
Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Oak-Prairie Wildlife District - TPWD - Victoria, TX
Trinity Oaks Stream Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Long Lake, TX
UNT Quail
- Denton, TX
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS
Whitenton Group, Inc.
- San Marcos, TX

 Conservation Markets

Show Articles on Conservation Markets (34)
Ecosystem Services: New Frontiers in Land-Based Resources

Ecosystem markets are expanding and morphing into new configurations at a mind-boggling speed. While landowners may be tempted to stay at the house until the dust clears, Ellis suggested landowners get engaged now.


What are ecosystem services markets?

A beginner’s guide to ecosystem service marketplaces Carbon credits. Asset quantification. Protocol assessment. Verifiers. The terms surrounding ecosystem services markets are foreign to most landowners.


Conservation Almanac

The Trust for Public Land has created the Conservation Almanac, which is a great resource for understanding the context of the conservation and conservation finance movements. Here you can see how much land has been protected in your state, which state and federal agencies have protected the land, the ratio of money spent to land conserved, and policies and programs that could help your state reach its conservation objectives.


Conservation Corridor Toolkit

Landscape corridors are among the most important conservation strategies in the face of global changes such as habitat fragmentation, habitat destruction, and climate change. We aim to bridge the science and practice of conservation corridors.  Conservation Corridor will provide up-to-date findings from science that will inform applied conservation.  And, we will highlight new innovations in applied conservation, with the goal of guiding the direction of applied science toward management needs. Click Here. 



COMET-FARM™ is a  whole farm and ranch carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system.  The tool guides you through describing your farm and ranch management practices including alternative future management scenarios. Once complete, a report is generated comparing the carbon changes and greenhouse gas emissions between your current management practices and future scenarios.


Mitigation and Conservation Banking

To many landowners a threatened or endangered (T&E) species on their property is anathema because it can herald all kinds of state and federal limitations on use of their property.& ...


Where Is the Carbon? Carbon Sequestration Potential from Private Forestland in the Southern United States

Uncertainty surrounding the future supply of timber in the southern United States prompted the question, “Where is all the wood?” (Cubbage et al.


The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative - A range-wide plan for recovering bobwhites

The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) is the unified range-wide strategy of 25 state wildlife agencies, with numerous conservation group and research institution partners, to achieve widespread restoration of native grassland habitats and huntable populations of wild quail.


A Guide to Successful Wildlife Food Plots - Blending Science with Common Sense

This publication provides technical guidance and practical information for wildlife management beyond planting and managing food plots.  ...


Leveraging the Landscape - State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2012

Over the last three years, projects that address the relationships between carbon and forests have moved from the sidelines of international climate action to center field.


What’s a quail worth?

What’s a quail worth? The short answer — as it relates to a wild Texas quail — is $253 each, according to a recently completed survey of Texas quail hunters.


The Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration

Luke Nave from the University of Michigan Biological Station presents this video short course on the fact that the largest terrestrial carbon pool is contained in soils.


Grasslands and Carbon - Processes and Trends

Rebecca McCulley of the University of Kentucky, Dept. of Plant & Soil Sciences presents this video short course on Grasslands, which make up 30% of the U.S ...


Forests and Carbon - Trends and Data for the U.S.

In this video short course you can get the scoop on forestland carbon storage in the United States, which helps offset approximately 12% of US carbon emissions from fossil fuels.


Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 2) - Protocols, Projects and Opportunities

Andrea Tuttle presents this video short course ont forest carbon markets and how these can be used to capture and hold carbon on the landscape.


Forest Carbon for the Private Landowner (Part 1) - Basics of Carbon Offsets, Markets, and Trading

Wondering about carbon offsets, credits, baselines, permanence and leakage? Get the carbon basics here and find out why forest offsets could be a bridge to the future.


Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers

The Guide to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers, produced by the American Farmland Trust (AFT), provides an overview of available market opportunities for environmental credits and services, how farmers and ranchers can get involved in them, and ways to encourage their continued growth.


Innovations in Market-Based Watershed Conservation in the United States - Payments for Watershed Services for Agricultural and Forest Landowners

New innovations in payments for watershed services (PWS) have emerged in the past decade and are pointing the way toward watershed protection approaches that might effectively complement existing government conservation programs and incentives for rural landowners.


Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due - Increasing Landowner Compensation for Ecosystem Services

This report provides an overview of existing payment programs and markets, and discusses the concepts of bundling and stacking, offer policy recommendations, and provides examples of current efforts to more effectively integrate payment opportunities for landowners.


Ecosystem Service Market Development - The Role and Opportunity for Finance

The creation of tradable credits for the development or preservation of ecosystem services has emerged as a method to provide such payments.


Getting Paid for Stewardship - An Agricultural Community Water Quality Trading Guide

Agricultural producers are finding opportunities to get paid for their stewardship activities through water quality trading. Generally, they sell the amount of nutrients or sediment reduced by conservation practices.


Meeting Regulatory Needs with Voluntary Conservation

Take a look at a PowerPoint presentation on market-based approaches as a voluntary means to reduce the cost of compliance with environmental regulations.& ...


Natural Resources Credit Trading Reference

The purpose of the NRCS Natural Resource Credit Trading Reference is to provide an understanding of how environmental credit trading can be used to increase the provision of conservation and ecosystem services by agriculture.


Payments for Forest Carbon

Payments for forest carbon sequestration are an emerging opportunity for small forest owners to earn additional income, and in turn to sustain both the economic and ecological values of the Northern Forest.


Guidance for the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Conservation Banks

This document provides guidance on the establishment, use, and operation of conservation banks for the purpose of providing a tool for offset mitigating adverse impacts to species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.


Conservation Banking

This fact sheet was published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in August 2012 is a two page primer on conservation banking with some history and information on how these banks are working today to promote species conservation and help mitigate habitat loss.


Restoration, Management, and Monitoring of Forest Resources in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley - Recommendations for Enhancing Wildlife Habitat

The conservation objective in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley is to provide forested habitat capable of supporting sustainable populations of all forest dependent wildlife species.


A Land Conservation Vision for the Gulf of Mexico Region

The Gulf Partnership is committed to Strategic Conservation, the identification of the most important areas in a region for conservation, restoration and long-term management.


Conservation buffers - wildlife benefits in Southeastern agricultural systems

Conservation buffers such as filter strips, riparian buffers, grassed waterways, and field borders are especially applicable to southeastern landscapes and have multiple environmental benefits while serving to significantly improve wildlife habitats.


Bobwhite and Upland Songbird Response to CCRP Practice CP33, Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds

Summary Findings The Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds practice (CP33) is the first Federal conservation practice to target species-specific population recovery goals of a national wildlife conservation initiative (the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative).


Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Operational Plan

For a landscape supporting healthy native bird populations across the LMVJV


A Landowner’s Guide to Carbon Sequestration Credits

This guide offers a path for local landowners to earn additional income while helping diminish adverse effects of global climate change through implementation of carbon sequestration and other stackable incentives.


The Role of Farm Policy in Achieving Large-Scale Conservation - Bobwhite and Buffers

The conservation provisions of the Farm Bill can produce more consistent positive wildlife habitat benefits when policy (program statutes, rules, practices, and practice standards) is developed in the context of explicit goals identified as part of large-scale conservation initiatives.


Managing working lands for northern bobwhite - the USDA NRCS Bobwhite Restoration Project


Show Conservation Markets Organizations & Professionals (602)
There are 602 resources serving Post Oak Savannah Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Conservation Markets Organizations & Professionals serving Post Oak Savannah Region
Biologists / Ecologists
Advanced Ecology, LTD.
Keith Webb - Environmental Operations Manager - Center, TX
Beyrl Armstrong
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Co-Founder - Austin, TX
Billy Lambert
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Private Lands Biologist - Hearne, TX
Blaise Korzekwa
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Floresville, TX
Blake Hendon
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Bobby Allcorn
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - College Station, TX
Bobby Eichler
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Technical Guidance Biologist - La Grange, TX
Brent Pierce
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Halletsville, TX
Brian Gottschalk
Adams Environmental - Sr. Environmental Scientist and Project Manager - San Antonio, TX
Christopher Keiser
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Tyler, TX
Christopher Schalk
Southern Research Station - Research Ecologist - Nacogdoches, TX
Clay Whitfill
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
Clint Faas
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - El Campo, TX
Cory K. Adams
Southern Research Station - Wildlife Biologist - Nacogdoches, TX
Courtney Jasik
Resource and Land Management, Inc. - Rangeland Ecologist - Pleasanton, TX
Courtney McInnerney
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Forest Stewardship Biologist - Jasper, TX
Courtney McInnerney
- Wildlife Biologist - Jasper, TX
Cullom Simpson
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Salado, TX
Curtis Hodges Jr.
- Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager, Certified Wildlife Biologist, GIS Specialist - Gatesville, TX
Daniel Kunz
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Technical Guidance Biologist - Alice, TX
Dave Holdermann
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Tyler, TX
David Campbell
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Gilmer, TX
David Forrester
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - District Leader - La Grange, TX
David Riley
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
David Veale
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - District Leader - Pleasanton, TX
Derrick Wolter
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Georgetown, TX
Diane Boellstorff
Water Resource Specialist - Soil and Crop Sciences - AgriLife Extension - College Station, TX
Dusty Alexander
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Eric Keith
Project Manager - Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Huntsville, TX
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
- College Station, TX
Heidi Bailey
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Van, TX
Hicks & Company
- Austin, TX
Hill Country Conservancy
Frank Davis - Chief Conservation Officer - Austin, TX
Hydrex Environmental, Inc.
Environmental Scientist - Clayton Collier - Nacogdoches, TX
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
James Clay Shipes
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wetlands Biologist - Tyler, TX
Jay Whiteside
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Technical Guidance Biologist - Purdon, TX
Jenny Blair, C.W.B.
Blair Wildlife Consulting - Principal - Kyle, TX
Jessica Alderson
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Urban Biologist - San Antonio, TX
Joe Hamrick
Compliance and Wildlife - Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Huntsville, TX
John J. Kuhl
Hicks and Company - Austin, TX
John Marksberry
Bird Forestry - Forester / Wildlife Biologist - Center, TX
Jon McLeod
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Rosenberg, TX
Jonah Evans
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Nongame & Rare Species Program Leader - Austin, TX
Josh B. Pierce
Southern Research Station - Wildlife Biologist - Nacogdoches, TX
Judit Green
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Urban Biologist - San Antonio, TX
Kelly Norrid
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Urban Biologist - Houston, TX
Kelly Simon
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Urban Biologist - Bastrop, TX
Kyle Lassiter
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Kyndal Anderson
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Laura Sherrod
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Giddings, TX
Lisa Campbell
Water Resource Specialist - TAMU - Oceanography - College Station, TX
Lynn Kitchen, Ph.D.
Adams Environmental - Vice President - San Antonio, TX
Mac Burns
Burns Forestry - Certified Arborist, Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
Mark Gray
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Mark Hefner
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Landowner Adviser - Austin, TX
Mark Lange
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Columbus, TX
Mason Conley
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Madisonville, TX
Matt Reidy
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Devine, TX
Meagan Lesak
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Victoria, TX
Michael A. Petter
Resource & Land Management, Inc. - President - Pleasanton, TX
Mike Miller
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - District Leader - Kerrville, TX
Nathan Rains
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Cleburne, TX
Nick Fisher
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
Penny Wilkerson
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Queen City, TX
Pines and Prairies Land Trust
Melanie Pavlas - Executive Director - Bastrop, TX
Private Lands Biologist Program
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Austin, TX
Ragan White
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Powderly, TX
Randall Kroll
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Lufkin, TX
Reuben Gay
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Rusk, TX
Richard R. Schaefer
U.S. Forest Service - Wildlife Biologist - Nacogdoches, TX
Robert Trudeau
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Natural Resources Specialist - Bastrop, TX
Roger Wolfe
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - District Leader - Tyler, TX
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
Rufus Stephens
Rufus Wildlife Consulting - Wildlife Biologist/Ecologist - Boerne, TX
Rusty Wood
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - District Leader - Nacogdoches, TX
Sarah Kahlich
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Shane Kiefer
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Director of Ecological Services - Austin, TX
Shannon Grubbs
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Victoria, TX
Shantel Porterfield
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Siglo Group
Jonathan Ogren - Principal and Environmental Planner - Austin, TX
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Sphere 3-Environmental
- Longview, TX
Stephanie Damron
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Brenham, TX
Steve Nelle
Private Independent Land Management Consulting - Wildlife Biologist / Rangeland Specialist - San Angelo, TX
Taylor Garrison
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Streetman, TX
Texas Brigades
- New Braunfels, TX
Texas Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Clint Boal - Unit Scientist - Lubbock, TX
Texas Landowner Incentive Program
Arlene Kalmbach - TPWD LIP Coordinator - Austin, TX
Texas Wildlife Management
Lin Poor, M.S. - Certified Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Thomas DeWitt
Associate Professor - College Station, TX
Todd Pilcik
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Private Lands Biologist - Bay City, TX
Trestan Bryant
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Huntsville, TX
Trevor Tanner
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Biologist - Fate, TX
Trey Barron
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Victoria, TX
UNT Quail
- Denton, TX
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS
Whitenton Group, Inc.
- San Marcos, TX
Conservation Credit Markets
Advanced Ecology, LTD.
Keith Webb - Environmental Operations Manager - Center, TX
Anson Boulware Howard
Uhl, Fitzsimons, Burton, Wolff & Rangel, PLLC - Partner - San Antonio, TX
- Houston, TX
Blue Source
- Cottonwood Heights, UT
Bradley Raffle
Conservation Capital - CEO - Eugene, OR
Chestnut Carbon Solutions
- New York, NY
Climate Action Reserve
- Los Angeles, CA
Conservation Equity Partners
- Nacogdoches, TX
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Eco-Harvest Market Program
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium - Falls Church, VA
Ecological Restoration Business Association
- Tysons, VA
Ecosystem Marketplace
- Washington, DC
Ecosystem Services Market Consortium
Debbie Reed - Executive Director - Falls Church, VA
EP Carbon
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Carbon Fund
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Carbon Works
- Berkeley, CA
Forest Trends
- Washington, DC
Grassroots Carbon
- San Antonio, TX
PastureMap - San Antonio, TX
Green Assets, Inc
- Wilmington, NC
Indigo Ag
- Boston, MA
Marstel-Day, LLC
- Fredericksburg, VA
Mitigation Solutions USA
- Center, TX
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
Ross Guidry - Region Land Manager - Lafayette, LA
RiverBank Ecosystems
Adam Riggsbee, PhD - Austin, TX
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Soil Value Exchange, PBLLC
- Houston, TX
TerraCarbon LLC
- Peoria, IL
Unique Places Conservation
Michael Scisco - Conservation & Mitigation Specialist - Albuquerque, NM
Fisheries Biologists
Barak Shemai
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Southwest Region - Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator - Albuquerque, NM
Clint Wilson
Overton Fisheries, Inc. - Buffalo, TX
Coastal Environments - Baton Rouge
- Baton Rouge, LA
Coastal Environments - Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi, TX
Coastal Environments - Houston
- Houston, TX
Craig Bonds
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Inland Fisheries Division Director - Austin, TX
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
Emma Clarkson
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Coastal Fisheries Habitat Assessment Team Leader - Austin, TX
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commision
- Ocean Springs, MS
Herrmann's Fish Farm
Jon Herrmann - Owner and Manager - Robstown, TX
Johnson Lake Management
- San Marcos, TX
Lochow Ranch - Pond & Lake Management
- Bryan, TX
Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
Keith McKnight - Coordinator - Vicksburg, MS
Overton Fisheries, Inc.
Todd and Kathy Overton - Owners - Buffalo, TX
Ross Carrie
Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - President - Huntsville, TX
SOLitude Lake Management
Paul Dorsett - Bryan, TX
Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management
Scott Brown - OwnerNC
Texas Pro Lake Management
Steve Bardin - Comanche, TX
Thomas DeWitt
Associate Professor - College Station, TX
Tim Birdsong
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Inland Fisheries Deputy Division Director - Austin, TX
Todd Sink
Associate Professor & Fisheries Specialist - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service - College Station, TX
Tyler Fish Farm
Bob Waldrop - Owner - Ben Wheeler, TX
Adam Barbee
Trees LLc. - Reginal Manager - Houston, TX
Advanced Ecology, LTD.
Keith Webb - Environmental Operations Manager - Center, TX
American Forest Management
- Charlotte, NC
Bob Harper
Harper Forestry, LLC - President - Conroe, TX
Buddy Rosser
Dean, Youens, & Rosser - Professional Forester - Atlanta, TX
Carl Herberg
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. - Professional Forester - Texarkana, TX
Charles Westmoreland, CF
- Conroe, TX
Chris Bartley
F&W Forestry Services Inc - Professional Forester - Huntsville, TX
Christopher Colbey
TimberPro Forest Service - Professional Forester, Vendor - Nacogdoches, TX
Christopher E. Adams
Vision Forestry, LLC - Owner/President - Lufkin, TX
Cliff J. Sunda
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC - Vice President – Operations - Tyler, TX
Cook Forest Management
- Nacogdoches, TX
Dalton Alexander
Bird Forestry - Center, TX
Daniel Saenz
Southern Research Station - Research Wildlife Biologist - Nacogdoches, TX
David C. Smith
David C. Smith Forest and Wildlife Management - Professional Forester - Mineola, TX
David G. Macher
Renewable Forest Management, LLC - Professional Forester - Flint, TX
David Litterst
David Litterst Forest Management - Professional Forester - Jacksonville, TX
Ed Applequist
- Consulting Forester - Center, TX
Ed O' Brien
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Sam Rayburn, TX
Edward L. O'Brien
Forestry & Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Brookeland, TX
Edwin L. Barnes, Jr.
Barnes Land & Timber Management, LLC - Liberty Hill, TX
Eric Watson
Champion Forest Resource Manageme - President - Huntsville, TX
Forest Resource Consultants
- Macon, GA
Frank McCook
Southern Research Station - Forester - Cleveland, TX
Gary A. Burns
Burns Forestry and Wildlife - Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
Harry Faulkner, TAF
- Texas Accredited Forester with Texas Forestry Association - Lufkin, TX
James Bruce Henderson
- Corpus Christi, TX
James S Houser
FNC Forest Resource Management - Professional Forester - Jacksonville, TX
James W. Dawson
Dawson Forestry Services - Owner - Cushing, TX
Jason Raines
Acorn Forestry - Professional Forester, Vendor - Lufkin, TX
Jay R Tidwell
Landpoint Forestry LLC - Professional Forester - Bivins, TX
Jeffrey Williams
Williams Forestry - Certified Forester - Tyler, TX
Jeremy C. Abston
Landpoint Forestry - Professional Forester - Naples, TX
Jimmy Don Thomas
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. - Forester - Arkadelphia, AR
Jimmy McNamara
FNC Forest Resource Management - Jacksonville, TX
Joel Rudolph
- Forester, Real Estate Broker - Nacogdoches, TX
John Heath
Forest Resource Consultants Inc - Operations Manager - Nacogdoches, TX
John Kilian
Field Coordinator - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
John Marksberry
Bird Forestry - Forester / Wildlife Biologist - Center, TX
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Kathryn Tillman
U.S. Forest Service - Supervisory Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Ken Braddock
HGT Group, LP - Nacogdoches, TX
Kent Colburn
Colburn Forestry - Professional Forester - Livingston, TX
Kollin Hurt
Kollin Hurt Forestry, Inc. - Professional Forester - Gilmer, TX
Kynda Trim
Aspect Timber & Reforestation - Professional Forester - Alto, TX
Lance Childress
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester And Lease Manager - Linden, TX
Larry Butler
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Lewis Williams
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Lufkin, TX
Mac Burns
Burns Forestry - Certified Arborist, Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
Mac Martin
Partnership Coordinator | Texas A&M Forest Service - College Station, TX
Mark Drahem
JMS Forestry Associates - Nacogdoches, TX
Mark E. Erb
Forestry Associates, LLC - Professional Forester - Huntsville, TX
Mark Wilson
Ward Timber Company Inc. - HEAD FORESTER - Linden, TX
Marty Walker
Walker Forestry Company LLC - Daingerfield, TX
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Blacksburg, VA
Michael Huffman
Pine Ridge Forestry Services, LLC - Owner/Forester - Texarkana, AR
Michael Huffman
Pine Ridge Forestry Services, LLC - Owner/Forester - Hooks, TX
Michael P. Smith
Forestall Company, Inc. - President - Birmingham, AL
Mick Schmitt
FNC Forest Resource Management - Jacksonville, TX
Mickey Merritt
Texas A&M Forest Service - Urban & Community Forester State Coordinator - College Station, TX
Mike Bird
Principal / Forester - Bird & Crawford Forestry - Center, TX
Mike Cline
Mike Cline Consulting Forester - Professional Forester - Palestine, TX
Mike Young
FNC Forest Resource Management - Forest Technician - Jacksonville, TX
Nature's Eye Consulting
Blake Hamilton - Founder, Forester & Wildlife Biologist - Lufkin, TX
Pat Grissom
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc - Forester - Texarkana, TX
Peter Kleto
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Grantville, GA
Phil Wright
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc - Forester - Texarkana, TX
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - Senior Appraiser, Eastern US & International - Blacksburg, VA
Ray Lott
Ray Lott & Associates, Inc. - President/Consulting Forester - Texarkana, TX
Richard Cole
Senior Forester - Burns Forestry - Crockett, TX
Ricky ONeill
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Forester - Camden, AR
Robert Fuchs
4F Forestry, LLC - Professional Forester - Nacogdoches, TX
Robin G. Willhoite
United Timber Management Co. - Consulting Forester - Timpson, TX
Ronald F. Billings
Texas Forest Service - Consulting Forester - College Station, TX
Ronnie Bane
Burditt Associates - Vice President - Conroe, TX
Hunting Leases - Alexandria, LA
Ryan W. McKnight
Townsend Forest Management - Professional Forester - Jasper, TX
Scott Nevins
RecLand Realty, LLC - Forester/Agent (TX) - Monroe, LA
Scott Shartle Family Tree Farm, LLC
- Crockett, TX
Sean Johnson
ETX Resource Management LLC - Owner/Forest Resource Manager - Jacksonville, TX
Sherman Forestry Services LLC
- Diana, TX
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Silva-Tech - South, Ltd.
Michael D. Bird, ACF - Forester - Center, TX
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Southern Group of State Foresters
- Garner, NC
Southern Timber Growers, Inc.
- Houston, TX
Spencer Burke
SKB Consulting LLC - Professional Forester - Crockett, TX
Steven Sutton
East Texas Forestry Service - Avinger, TX
Taylor Wilson
Resource Management Service - District Manager - Lufkin, TX
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Texas A&M Forest Service
- College Station, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Austin - TDEM-TxDPS Office
- Austin, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Austin Office
- Austin, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Clarksville Office
- Clarksville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Conroe Office
- Conroe, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Crockett Office
- Crockett, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Houston Office
- Houston, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Humble Office
- Houston, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Huntsville Office
- Huntsville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Jacksonville Office
- Jacksonville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - La Grange Office
- La Grange, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Linden Office
- Linden, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - New Boston Office
- New Boston, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Palestine Office
- Palestine, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Pittsburg Office
- Pittsburg, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - San Antonio Office
- San Antonio, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Smithville Office
- Smithville, TX
Texas A&M Forest Service - Victoria Office
- Victoria, TX
Texas Forestry Association
- Lufkin, TX
The Longleaf Alliance
- Andalusia, AL
Thomas Clifton West
R&W Timber Resources - Professional Forester - Detriot, TX
Thomas Parnell
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Thomas Paul Jenkins CF, ISA
Jenkins Forest Resources LLC - Certified Forester - Humble, TX
Timothy Gahl
Forest Resource Consultants Inc - Lufkin, TX
Tucker Cullen Smith
David C. Smith: Forest & Wildlife Management - Professional Forester - Mineola, TX
Victor E. Hemard, Jr.
Hemard & Company - President - Texarkana, TX
Walsh Timber Co LLC
- Zwolle, LA
Walsh Timber Company, L.L.C.
- Zwolle, LA
Warren E. Peters
Peters Forest Resources, Inc. - President - Baton Rouge, LA
Wayne S Pfluger
Lone Star Forestry, LLC - Professional Forester, Vendor - Huntsville, TX
Wes White Forestry Consultant
- Jacksonville, TX
William Hoebel
W. G. Hoebel Company, Inc. - Professional Forester - Henderson, TX
Geologists / Hydrologists
Andrews & Foster Drilling Company
Donald A. Foster - President - Athens, TX
Brett Jordan
HydroGeo Designs LLC - Hydrologist/Engineer - Buena Vista, CO
C&S Environmental Consulting
Buford E. Collier - Senior Environmental Project Manager - Kilgore, TX
Cardinal Gas Storage Partners
Jeff Ballew - President & Chief Executive Officer - Houston, TX
Coastal Environments - Baton Rouge
- Baton Rouge, LA
Coastal Environments - Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi, TX
Coastal Environments - Houston
- Houston, TX
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
Janet Wolfe - Director of Marketing and Communications - Albuquerque, NM
ETTL Engineers & Consultants Inc.
- Tyler, TX
Gainco, Inc
Theresa Nix - Portland, TX
Horizon Environmental Services, Inc.
- Austin, TX
Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC)
- The Woodlands, TX
Hydrex Environmental, Inc.
Environmental Scientist - Clayton Collier - Nacogdoches, TX
James Armstrong
Rare Earth Science, LLC - Principal Geologist / Environmental Scientist - Gunnison, CO
John J. Kuhl
Hicks and Company - Austin, TX
Johnson Lake Management
- San Marcos, TX
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
- Cumberland, ME
TGE Resources, Inc.
Robin Franks, P.G., CHMM, RSO - President/Principal - Houston, TX
Land Trusts
American Farmland Trust
- Washington, DC
Bayou Land Conservancy
- Houston, TX
BC Nature
Federation of BC Naturalists - North Vancouver, BC
Big Thicket Natural Heritage Trust
- Kountze, TX
Brenda Schick
Singing Stream Conservation Consultants - Principal - La Jolla, CA
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ottawa Valley Chapter
- Ottawa, ON
Coastal Prairie Conservancy
- Houston, TX
Colorado River Land Trust
- Austin, TX
Connemara Conservancy
- Allen, TX
Conservancy Hornby Island
- Hornby Island , BC
Cradle of Texas Conservancy
- West Columbia, TX
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
- Bismarck, ND
Fraser Headwaters Alliance
- Dunster , BC
Fraser Valley Conservancy
- Abbotsford, BC
Gabriola Land and Trails Trust
Tom Cameron - President - Gabriola Island, BC
Galveston Bay Foundation
- Kemah, TX
PastureMap - San Antonio, TX
Green Spaces Alliance of South Texas
- San Antonio, TX
Guadalupe-Blanco River Trust
- Seguin, TX
Hill Country Conservancy
Frank Davis - Chief Conservation Officer - Austin, TX
Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust
- Washington, DC
Islands Trust Fund
- Victoria, BC
John Sanderson
Center for Collaborative Conservation - Director - Fort Collins, CO
Kawartha Heritage Conservancy
- Peterborough, ON
Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
- Kingston, ON
Land Legacy
- Tulsa, OK
Land Trust Alliance
- Washington, DC
Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
Sheila Harrington - Programs Director - Victoria, BC
Malaspina Land Conservancy
Janet Alred - President - Powell River, BC
Michael Hart
LandVest, Inc. - Senior Appraiser - Boston, MA
Mitigation Futures Conservancy
- McKinney, TX
Nanaimo Area Land Trust
- Conservation Covenants Coordinator - Nanaimo, BC
Native Prairies Association of Texas
- Manchaca, TX
Nature Conservancy of Canada
National Office - Toronto, ON
Nature Manitoba
Roger Turenne - President - Winnipeg, MB
Nature Trust of British Columbia
- BC Conservation Land Manager - Vancouver, BC
Nature Vancouver
Daniel Overmyer - Vancouver, BC
North American Land Trust
- Chadds Ford, PA
Open Space Institute
Jennifer Grossman - Vice President New York Land Program - New York, NY
Pender Islands Conservancy
Sylvia Pincott - Pender Island, BC
Pines and Prairies Land Trust
Melanie Pavlas - Executive Director - Bastrop, TX
Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society
George Barabas - Heriot Bay, BC
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
- Missoula, MT
Sage Advisors, LLC
- West Chester, PA
Salt Spring Island Conservancy
Linda Gilkeson - Executive Director - Salt Spring Island, BC
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Habitat Trust Fund
- Moose Jaw, SK
Savary Island Land Trust Society
Liz Webster - Executive Director - Lund, BC
Silva Forest Foundation
Susan Hammond - Slocan Park, BC
Societe de Protection Fonciere de Saint-Adele
Jean-Louis Poirier - President - Saint-Adele, QC
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Sportsmen's National Land Trust
- Agawam, MA
Terrafirma RRG LLC
- Burlington, VT
Texas Agricultural Land Trust
- San Antonio, TX
Texas Land Conservancy
- Austin, TX
Texas Land Trust Council
Lori Olson - Executive Director - Wimberly, TX
The Barn Group
- Brooks, GA
The Nature Conservancy, Texas Field Office
- San Antonio, TX
The Trustees of Reservations
- Boston, MA
Trout Unlimited
Chris Wood - President and Chief Executive Officer - Arlington, VA
Trust for Public Land, Texas Office
- Dallas, TX
Upper Trinity Conservation Trust
- Lewisville, TX
Waterloo Region Nature
- Waterloo, ON
Watershed Land Trust
- Belton, MO
Wetlands America Trust
- Memphis, TN
Wilbarger Creek Conservation Alliance
- Austin, TX
Design Workshop
Anna Laybourn - Principal - Aspen, CO
Gene Valentini
Texas Rural Mediation Services - Lubbock County DRC - Lubbock, TX
Gwendolyn Lacy
Advocacy Matters LLC - Silver City, NM
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
Mitigation Banks
Anderson Tract Mitigation Bank
Mario Mata - Bank Sponsor POC - Austin, TX
Bahia Grande Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors - Galveston, TX
Bayou Bend Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors LLC - Sales POC - Fulshear, TX
Big Woods on the Trinity Mitigation Bank
JoAnn Hill - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Bio-Logical Capital
Grant McCargo - Managing Director, Founder and CEO - Denver, CO
Brooks Creek
Tanner Garth - Client Solutions Manager - Houston, TX
Brooks Creek Mitigation Bank
Ryan Owings - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Bellaire, TX
Buenaventura Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0 Bank)
Ms. Codi Moore - Bank Sponsor POC - Port Allen, LA
Burleson Wetlands Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Butler Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0)
Mr Bill Goodrum - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Nacogdoches, TX
Byrd Tract Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Call Junction
Lyme Timber Company - Hanover, NH
Camp Wood Conservation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Camp Wood, TX
Cliff J. Sunda
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC - Vice President – Operations - Tyler, TX
Coastal Environments - Baton Rouge
- Baton Rouge, LA
Coastal Environments - Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi, TX
Coastal Environments - Houston
- Houston, TX
Cottonwood Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Mr. Preston W. Smith - Bank Sponsor POC - Tyler, TX
Cypress Slough Mitigation Bank
Mr. Jeremy Buechter - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Kilgore, TX
Daisetta Swamp
TCP II Daisetta - Bank Sponsor - Center, TX
Daisy Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Dragon Creek Mitigation Bank
Mr. Mark Byrd - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Southlake, TX
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Ecosystem Investment Partners
- Baltimore, MD
Edmore Creek Mitigation Bank
Ms. Kerri Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Longview, TX
Festina Lente Ranch Species Conservation Bank
Tanner Garth - Client Solutions Manager - Houston, TX
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
- Charlottesville, VA
Flat Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Frentress-Johnson West Bay Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Freeport, TX
Gin City
Troy Madrigal - Bank Sponsor POC - Fulshear, TX
Gin City Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Huffman, TX
Greens Bayou
Ms. Corinne Meinert - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Greens Bayou - HCFCD
Ms. Corinne Meinert - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Houston, TX
Griffith League Ranch Conservation Bank
Scout Executive - Owner - Bank Sponsor POC - Austin, TX
Hawkins Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Hondo Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Hondo, TX
Houston Conroe Mitigation Bank
Chelsea Smith - Houston, TX
Ironwood Resource Advisors LLC
Troy Madrigal - Sales POC - Fulshear, TX
Katy Hockley - HCFCD
Mr. Brock Nedland - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Houston, TX
Katy Hockley Mitigation Bank
Mr. Brock Nedland - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Katy Prairie Stream
LLC Restoration Systems - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Raleigh, NC
Katy Prairie Stream Mitigation Bank
Troy Madrigal - Bank Sponsor POC - Waller, TX
Keystone Mitigation Bank
JoAnn Hill - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
KLAMM Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Mill Creek
Preston W. Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Tyler, TX
Mitigation Solutions USA
- Center, TX
Mud Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Mustang Ranch
Lyme Timber Company - Hanover, NH
OXBOW Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Pineywoods Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor - Fort Worth, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Centerville, TX
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
Ross Guidry - Region Land Manager - Lafayette, LA
Restoration Systems
- Raleigh, NC
RiverBank Ecosystems
Adam Riggsbee, PhD - Austin, TX
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Sabal Wetland Preserve Mitigation Bank (Phase 1)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Sabal Wetland Preserve Mitigation Bank Expansion (Phase 2)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Sea Breeze Mitigation Bank
D. Mayes Middleton II Non-Exempt Trust - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Mr. Josh McDorman - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Steele Creek Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Straus Medina Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Terry McKenzie - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank
Chelsea Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Chevy Chase, MD
Trinity Oaks Stream Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Long Lake, TX
West Mineola Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
West Mud Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Wilbarger Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC
Preston W. Smith - VP Business Development & Sales - Tyler, TX
Natural Resource Law Attorneys
Amy M. Mitchell
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP - Senior Counsel - Austin, TX
Andrew J. Aelvoet
The Nunley Firm - Boerne, TX
Anson Boulware Howard
Uhl, Fitzsimons, Burton, Wolff & Rangel, PLLC - Partner - San Antonio, TX
Arthur G. Uhl III
Uhl, Fitzsimons & Jewett, PLLC - Shareholder - San Antonio, TX
Becky Jolin
Smith Jolin LLP - Austin, TX
Benjamin R. Rhem
Jackson Walker L.L.P. - Partner - Austin, TX
Bradley Raffle
Conservation Capital - CEO - Eugene, OR
Braun & Gresham, PLLC
- Austin, TX
C-K Associates, Inc
- Baton Rouge, LA
Cassie Gresham
Principal, Attorney and Counselor - Braun & Gresham, PLLC - Dripping Springs, TX
Charles Wehland
Jones Day - Partner - Chicago, IL
Conservation Law Center
Christian Freitag - Director - Bloomington, IN
Craig M. Douglas
C.M. Douglas, PLLC - Austin, TX
David Braun
Principal, Attorney and Counselor - Braun & Gresham, PLLC - Dripping Springs, TX
David E. Whitten
Guida, Slavich & Flores, P.C. - Shareholder - Addison, TX
David F. Reid
Eversheds Sutherland - Partner - Houston, TX
David Hartman
Smith, Robertson, Elliott & Douglas, L.L.P. - Austin, TX
David P. Smith
Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody - Shareholder - Austin, TX
Endangered Species Law and Policy Group
Nossaman LLP - Los Angeles, CA
Eric B. Darnell, ESQ.
Attorney & Counselor at Law - The Darnell Law Firm - El Paso, TX
Gerald Scott Webberman
Jackson Walker LLP - Partner - Austin, TX
Gwendolyn Lacy
Advocacy Matters LLC - Silver City, NM
Helen Currie Foster
Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody - Shareholder - Austin, TX
Husch Blackwell LLP
- Dallas, TX
J.D. Head
Fritz, Byrne, Head & Harrison, PLLC - Senior Partner - Austin, TX
James B. Blackburn, Jr.
Blackburn & Carter - Houston, TX
Jean M. Flores
Guida, Slavich & Flores, P.C. - Shareholder - Addison, TX
Jerry Webberman
Jackson Walker L.L.P. - Partner, Austin Office - Austin, TX
Jim D. Bradbury
James D. Bradbury, PLLC - Fort Worth, TX
Joel Russell
Joel Russell Associates - Principal - Northampton, MA
Jonathan B. Cluck
The Nunley Firm - Boerne, TX
Joseph B.C. Fitzsimons
Uhl, Fitzsimons & Jewett, PLLC - Shareholder - San Antonio, TX
Kevin L. Patrick
Patrick, Miller and Noto - Basalt, CO
Kyle Ballard
Guida, Slavich & Flores, P.C - Of Counsel - Addison, TX
Leonard H. Dougal
Jackson & Walker - Austin, TX
Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C.
- Austin, TX
Michael J. Nasi
Jackson Walker LLP - Partner - Austin, TX
Mountain States Legal Foundation
William Perry Pendley - President and COO - Lakewood, CO
Nick Cramer
The Vertex Companies, Inc. - Senior Project Manager - Irving, TX
Patrick, Miller and Noto
Waterlaw - Denver, CO
Paul Seals
Guida, Slavich & Flores, P.C. - Shareholder - Austin, TX
Plauche’ & Carr, LLP
- Baton Rouge, LA
Smiley Law Firm, PC
Cynthia Smiley - Attorney/Owner - Austin, TX
Stephen J. Small, Esq.
Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C. - Cambridge, MA
Susan Armstrong
Armstrong Law - Austin, TX
Thomas Hall
Braun & Gresham, PLLC - Attorney and Counselor - Austin, TX
Riparian and Wetlands Specialists
Advanced Ecology, LTD.
Keith Webb - Environmental Operations Manager - Center, TX
Aquatic Features, Inc.
- Austin, TX
Bayou Preservation Association
- Houston, TX
Brian Gottschalk
Adams Environmental - Sr. Environmental Scientist and Project Manager - San Antonio, TX
Coastal Environments - Baton Rouge
- Baton Rouge, LA
Coastal Environments - Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi, TX
Coastal Environments - Houston
- Houston, TX
Cook Forest Management
- Nacogdoches, TX
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
Janet Wolfe - Director of Marketing and Communications - Albuquerque, NM
Diane Boellstorff
Water Resource Specialist - Soil and Crop Sciences - AgriLife Extension - College Station, TX
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
Eric Keith
Project Manager - Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Huntsville, TX
Goshawk Environmental Consulting Inc.
Zane Homesley - Founder/President - Austin, TX
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commision
- Ocean Springs, MS
Horizon Environmental Services, Inc.
- Austin, TX
Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC)
- The Woodlands, TX
Jeff Raasch
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wetland and Joint Venture Program Leader - Austin, TX
Jenny Blair, C.W.B.
Blair Wildlife Consulting - Principal - Kyle, TX
John J. Kuhl
Hicks and Company - Austin, TX
Johnson Lake Management
- San Marcos, TX
Kevin Mundorff
Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Prescribed Burn Manger - Huntsville, TX
Lochow Ranch - Pond & Lake Management
- Bryan, TX
Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
Keith McKnight - Coordinator - Vicksburg, MS
Marstel-Day, LLC
- Fredericksburg, VA
Meadows Center for Water and the Environment
Andrew Sansom, Ph.D - Executive Director - San Marcos, TX
Preservation Texas
- Austin, TX
Restore America's Estuaries
- Arlington, VA
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Ryan Spencer
Meadows Center for Water and the Environment - Research Coordinator - San Marcos, TX
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management
Scott Brown - OwnerNC
Stacy W. Jackson
Jackson Real Estate Professionals, LLC - Owner - Winnsboro, TX
Steve Nelle
Private Independent Land Management Consulting - Wildlife Biologist / Rangeland Specialist - San Angelo, TX
TGE Resources, Inc.
Robin Franks, P.G., CHMM, RSO - President/Principal - Houston, TX
The Earth Partners
- Houston, TX
Whitenton Group, Inc.
- San Marcos, TX
Wildlife / Habitat Specialists
Alan Cain
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - White-tailed Deer Program Leader - Austin, TX
Bahia Grande Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors - Galveston, TX
Beyrl Armstrong
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Co-Founder - Austin, TX
Blaise Korzekwa
Wildlife Biologist - South Texas Plains Wildlife District - TPWD - Pearsall, TX
Bosse Planning & Associates
- Austin, TX
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute
- Kingsville, TX
Camp Wood Conservation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Camp Wood, TX
Clay Whitfill
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
Conservation Equity Partners
- Nacogdoches, TX
Cook Forest Management
- Nacogdoches, TX
Curtis Hodges Jr.
- Commercial Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager, Certified Wildlife Biologist, GIS Specialist - Gatesville, TX
Dana Karelus
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Mammalogist - Austin, TX
David Holdermann
Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Limestone County - TPWD - Tyler, TX
David Riley
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service - College Station, TX
DESCO Environmental Consultants, LP
- Magnolia, TX
Dusty Alexander
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
Ecoresource Solutions Inc
Tony Byrne - President/Principal Ecologist - Arvada, CO
Eric Keith
Project Manager - Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Huntsville, TX
Frentress-Johnson West Bay Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Freeport, TX
Gary A. Burns
Burns Forestry and Wildlife - Professional Forester, Wildlife Biologist - Crockett, TX
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center (Sutton Center)
- Bartlesville, OK
Gin City Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Huffman, TX
Greg Simons
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Wildlife Biologist - San Angelo, TX
Gulf Coast Joint Venture
Barry Wilson, USFWS - GCJV Coordinator - Lafayette, LA
Hondo Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Hondo, TX
Hydrex Environmental, Inc.
Environmental Scientist - Clayton Collier - Nacogdoches, TX
Jacob Gaskamp
Wildland Systems Consulting - Wildlife Biologist - Chappell Hill, TX
Jason Hardin
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wild Turkey Program Coordinator - Austin, TX
Jason Raines
Acorn Forestry - Professional Forester, Vendor - Lufkin, TX
Jenny Blair, C.W.B.
Blair Wildlife Consulting - Principal - Kyle, TX
Joe Hamrick
Compliance and Wildlife - Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - Huntsville, TX
John J. Kuhl
Hicks and Company - Austin, TX
John Marksberry
Bird Forestry - Forester / Wildlife Biologist - Center, TX
John Silovsky
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Director of Wildlife - Austin, TX
Jonathan Warner
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Alligator Program Leader - Austin, TX
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Kyle Lassiter
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Kyle Thigpen
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department - Private Lands Leasing Biologist - Austin, TX
Kyndal Anderson
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Landmark Wildlife Management LLC
Keith Olenick - Principal/Senior Biologist - Austin, TX
Lannie B. Philley, AFM
Delta Land & Farm Mgmt Co, LLC - Appraiser, Manager - Mer Rouge, LA
Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
Keith McKnight - Coordinator - Vicksburg, MS
Lynn Kitchen, Ph.D.
Adams Environmental - Vice President - San Antonio, TX
Mark Gray
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Mark Hefner
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Landowner Adviser - Austin, TX
Matt Reidy
Wildlife Biologist - South Texas Plains Wildlife District - TPWD - Devine, TX
Mid-America Monarch Conservation Strategy
- Rhinelander, WI
Nathan Rains
Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Cross Timbers and Hill Country Wildlife Districts - TPWD - Cleburne, TX
Nature's Eye Consulting
Blake Hamilton - Founder, Forester & Wildlife Biologist - Lufkin, TX
Neiman Environments Inc
- Junction, TX
Nick Fisher
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Region Manager - Austin, TX
North Central Fayette County Wildlife Management Co-op
- Round Top, TX
Pines and Prairies Land Trust
Melanie Pavlas - Executive Director - Bastrop, TX
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Erie, CO
Preservation Texas
- Austin, TX
Private Lands Biologist Program
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Austin, TX
Quail Coalition
- Dallas, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Centerville, TX
Ricky ONeill
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Forester - Camden, AR
Rio Grande Joint Venture
- Alpine, TX
RiverBank Ecosystems
Adam Riggsbee, PhD - Austin, TX
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Robin G. Willhoite
United Timber Management Co. - Consulting Forester - Timpson, TX
Roel Lopez
Director - Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute - College Station, TX
Ronnie Bane
Burditt Associates - Vice President - Conroe, TX
Ross Carrie
Raven Environmental Services, Inc. - President - Huntsville, TX
Ruben Cantu
Wildlife Consultants, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Rangeland Management - San Angelo, TX
Rufus Stephens
Rufus Wildlife Consulting - Wildlife Biologist/Ecologist - Boerne, TX
Sarah Kahlich
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Senior Wildlife Biologist - Austin, TX
Shane Kiefer
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Director of Ecological Services - Austin, TX
Shantel Porterfield
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management - Staff Biologist II - Austin, TX
Siglo Group
Jonathan Ogren - Principal and Environmental Planner - Austin, TX
Society for Range Management
- Wichita, KS
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Aiken, SC
Southern Conservation Trust
Chris Doane - President/CEO - Fayetteville, GA
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Southern Sportsman Aquatics & Land Management
Scott Brown - OwnerNC
Sphere 3-Environmental
- Longview, TX
Steve Nelle
Private Independent Land Management Consulting - Wildlife Biologist / Rangeland Specialist - San Angelo, TX
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
Texas Brigades
- New Braunfels, TX
Texas Wildlife Diversity Program
John Davis - Program Director - Austin, TX
Thomas DeWitt
Associate Professor - College Station, TX
Trent Tienert
Wildlife Biologist, Natural Resources Specialist - South Texas Plains Wildlife District - TPWD - Gonzales, TX
Trey Barron
Wildlife Diversity Biologist - Oak-Prairie Wildlife District - TPWD - Victoria, TX
Trinity Oaks Stream Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Long Lake, TX
UNT Quail
- Denton, TX
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Sean Kyle - Lesser Prairie Chicken Program Manager - Topeka, KS
Whitenton Group, Inc.
- San Marcos, TX

 Mitigation Banks

Show Articles on Mitigation Banks (5)
Working Lands for Wildlife Predictability FAQs

Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and private landowners.


Working Lands For Wildlife

Through Working Lands for Wildlife —a voluntary, incentive-based effort—the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its conservation partners will provide landowners with technical and financial assistance to: Restore populations of declining wildlife species.


Ecosystem Services: New Frontiers in Land-Based Resources

Ecosystem markets are expanding and morphing into new configurations at a mind-boggling speed. While landowners may be tempted to stay at the house until the dust clears, Ellis suggested landowners get engaged now.


What are ecosystem services markets?

A beginner’s guide to ecosystem service marketplaces Carbon credits. Asset quantification. Protocol assessment. Verifiers. The terms surrounding ecosystem services markets are foreign to most landowners.


How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change

 Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert, begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos.


Show Mitigation Banks Organizations & Professionals (69)
There are 69 resources serving Post Oak Savannah Region in the following categories:
map itMap of Mitigation Banks Organizations & Professionals serving Post Oak Savannah Region
Mitigation Banks
Anderson Tract Mitigation Bank
Mario Mata - Bank Sponsor POC - Austin, TX
Bahia Grande Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors - Galveston, TX
Bayou Bend Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors LLC - Sales POC - Fulshear, TX
Big Woods on the Trinity Mitigation Bank
JoAnn Hill - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Bio-Logical Capital
Grant McCargo - Managing Director, Founder and CEO - Denver, CO
Brooks Creek
Tanner Garth - Client Solutions Manager - Houston, TX
Brooks Creek Mitigation Bank
Ryan Owings - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Bellaire, TX
Buenaventura Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0 Bank)
Ms. Codi Moore - Bank Sponsor POC - Port Allen, LA
Burleson Wetlands Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Butler Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0)
Mr Bill Goodrum - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Nacogdoches, TX
Byrd Tract Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Call Junction
Lyme Timber Company - Hanover, NH
Camp Wood Conservation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Camp Wood, TX
Cliff J. Sunda
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC - Vice President – Operations - Tyler, TX
Coastal Environments - Baton Rouge
- Baton Rouge, LA
Coastal Environments - Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi, TX
Coastal Environments - Houston
- Houston, TX
Cottonwood Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Mr. Preston W. Smith - Bank Sponsor POC - Tyler, TX
Cypress Slough Mitigation Bank
Mr. Jeremy Buechter - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Kilgore, TX
Daisetta Swamp
TCP II Daisetta - Bank Sponsor - Center, TX
Daisy Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Dragon Creek Mitigation Bank
Mr. Mark Byrd - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Southlake, TX
Eco-Asset Solutions & Innovations LLC
- Redwood City, CA
Ecosystem Investment Partners
- Baltimore, MD
Edmore Creek Mitigation Bank
Ms. Kerri Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Longview, TX
Festina Lente Ranch Species Conservation Bank
Tanner Garth - Client Solutions Manager - Houston, TX
Field Sport Concepts, LTD
- Charlottesville, VA
Flat Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 2.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Frentress-Johnson West Bay Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Freeport, TX
Gin City
Troy Madrigal - Bank Sponsor POC - Fulshear, TX
Gin City Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Huffman, TX
Greens Bayou
Ms. Corinne Meinert - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Greens Bayou - HCFCD
Ms. Corinne Meinert - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Houston, TX
Griffith League Ranch Conservation Bank
Scout Executive - Owner - Bank Sponsor POC - Austin, TX
Hawkins Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Hondo Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Hondo, TX
Houston Conroe Mitigation Bank
Chelsea Smith - Houston, TX
Ironwood Resource Advisors LLC
Troy Madrigal - Sales POC - Fulshear, TX
Katy Hockley - HCFCD
Mr. Brock Nedland - Sponsor - Bank Sponsor POC - Houston, TX
Katy Hockley Mitigation Bank
Mr. Brock Nedland - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Katy Prairie Stream
LLC Restoration Systems - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Raleigh, NC
Katy Prairie Stream Mitigation Bank
Troy Madrigal - Bank Sponsor POC - Waller, TX
Keystone Mitigation Bank
JoAnn Hill - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
KLAMM Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Mill Creek
Preston W. Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Tyler, TX
Mitigation Solutions USA
- Center, TX
Mud Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Mustang Ranch
Lyme Timber Company - Hanover, NH
OXBOW Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Pineywoods Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor - Fort Worth, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Rattlesnake Mitigation Bank
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Centerville, TX
Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC
Ross Guidry - Region Land Manager - Lafayette, LA
Restoration Systems
- Raleigh, NC
RiverBank Ecosystems
Adam Riggsbee, PhD - Austin, TX
Robert Veldman
K·Coe Conservation - Senior Land Management Consultant - Loveland, CO
Sabal Wetland Preserve Mitigation Bank (Phase 1)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Sabal Wetland Preserve Mitigation Bank Expansion (Phase 2)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Sea Breeze Mitigation Bank
D. Mayes Middleton II Non-Exempt Trust - Bank Sponsor - Houston, TX
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Mr. Josh McDorman - Consultant - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Steele Creek Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Straus Medina Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Terry McKenzie - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Center, TX
Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank
Chelsea Smith - Sales POC - Bank Sponsor POC - Chevy Chase, MD
Trinity Oaks Stream Mitigation Site
Ironwood Resource Advisors, LLC - Long Lake, TX
West Mineola Mitigation Bank
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
West Mud Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Wilbarger Creek Mitigation Bank (TXRAM 1.0 Bank)
Brent J Jasper - Bank Sponsor POC - Fort Worth, TX
Wildwood Environmental Credit Company, LLC
Preston W. Smith - VP Business Development & Sales - Tyler, TX